
Connection of biomethane producers

Biomethane that meets the specified quality requirements can be injected into the gas transmission system. Amber Grid, the Lithuanian gas transmission system operator (hereinafter referred to as the “TSO”), shall consult on all issues related to the connection of biogas production facilities to the gas transmission system, including:

  • submission of applications,
  • conditions for connection,
  • connection agreements,
  • connection design,
  • carrying out of contract works.

Below is provided some basic information that is useful to know when preparing to connect biogas production facilities to the gas transmission system (click on the plus sign for more detailed information relevant to the specific step).

1. The Customer shall choose the place for the connection and decide on the desired capacity
2. The Customer shall submit a standardised application for preliminary conditions for connection to info@ambergrid.lt

Submission of an application:

  1. Site plan showing the preferred connection point.
  2. Extract from the basic data of the Register of Legal Entities issued by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers (only for legal entities) or extract from the basic data of the Register of Legal Entities issued by another authorised body, if the applicant is a person registered outside Lithuania.
  3. Proof of representation (if applicable).
  4. Completed interested party verification questionaire form.
  • Applications for the issuance of preliminary conditions for connection should be sent to info@ambergrid.lt
  • If necessary, the TSO may request for clarification of the provided documents and data.
3. Amber Grid shall issue the preliminary conditions for connection

Issue of the preliminary conditions for connection:

  • The TSO shall examine the application and issue the Customer with the preliminary conditions for connection no later than 30 calendar days from the date of submission of all required documents (if connection is available).
  • The connection point shall be selected by the TSO, taking into account the location of existing or planned facilities or construction/installation as specified in the Customer’s application.
  • The Customer can choose how the connection of the Customer’s biogas production facilities to the gas transmission system of the TSO shall be arranged, with the following 2 possible options:
  1. The works necessary for the connection of biogas production facilities on the gas transmission system operated by the TSO shall be carried out/organised by the TSO.
  2. The Customer shall design and/or construct/install and carry out works on behalf of the TSO on the gas transmission system (on its facilities or separate parts thereof) for the connection of biogas production facilities to the gas transmission system in accordance with the procedures and under the conditions set out in the gas system connection service agreement.

In all cases, the costs of the connection shall be covered by the Customer. 

The preliminary conditions for connection issued by the TSO shall be valid for 12 months from the date of issue. A failure to agree the preliminary conditions for connection with the TSO within the afore-mentioned period shall result in the loss of the right of the Customer to apply for conclusion of a connection service agreement.

Preliminary connection tariffs for works on the transmission system organised by the TSO

4. The Customer shall agree on the preliminary conditions for connection and submit an application for a connection service agreement

Agreeing on the preliminary conditions for connection and application for conclusion of a connection service contract:

  • The preliminary conditions for connection issued by the TSO shall be valid for 12 months from the date of issue, and the connection service agreement must be concluded with the preliminary conditions for connection in force.
  • Once the preliminary conditions for connection have been agreed and the Customer has fulfilled the preconditions (if any) set out therein, the Customer shall apply for conclusion of a connection service agreement and completed interested party verification questionaire form.
  • The agreed preliminary conditions for connection shall be deemed to be the final conditions for connection and shall constitute an integral part of the connection service agreement.

The connection service agreement must be concluded during the period of validity of the preliminary conditions for connection, i.e. within 12 months from the issue thereof. 

It is recommended that the Customer negotiates the final conditions for connection and applies to the TSO for the submission of a draft connection service agreement in advance, at least a few months to the expiry of the issued preliminary conditions for connection.
If the contract cannot be concluded during the period of validity of the preliminary conditions for connection, the Customer should apply for a new preliminary conditions for connection (standardised application). The TSO shall reassess the situation, please note that the new conditions may be not analogous to the previous ones.
5. Amber Grid shall submit a draft connection service agreement, the agreement shall be signed

Drafting, negotiating and signing the connection service agreement:

  • The TSO shall, within 60 calendar days from the receipt of the Customer’s request, prepare and submit to the Customer a draft connection service agreement, which shall include the final conditions for connection;
  • Once the Customer and the TSO have agreed on the terms and conditions of the connection service agreement, the agreement shall be signed.

Below you will find guidance and information on what the Customer must do when:

  • the Customer shall build the part of the transmission system necessary for the connection;
  • the TSO shall build the part of the transmission system necessary for the connection.
6. The project manager shall be appointed and the contract shall be launched

When the Customer builds the part of the transmission system necessary for the connection

When the TSO builds the part of the transmission system necessary for the connection

  • In order to ensure a smooth cooperation, the TSO shall assign a project manager to the Customer who shall accompany the Customer throughout the project and ensure coordination between the different departments of the TSO and the responsible staff. The Customer shall be able to request the project manager for assistance or advice on any issue. Accordingly, the Customer shall appoint a qualified project manager from the Customer’s side.
  • The Customer shall inform the TSO of the milestones and timelines for the execution of the essential works planned for the project (submit a plan) within 30 calendar days from the signature of the connection service agreement, and shall fulfil other preconditions of the connection service agreement (one of which shall be the submission of a performance security, i.e. a deposit or bank guarantee).
  • In order to ensure a smooth cooperation, the TSO shall assign a project manager to the Customer who shall accompany the Customer throughout the project and ensure coordination between the different departments of the TSO and the responsible staff. The Customer shall be able to request the project manager for assistance or advice on any issue. Accordingly, the Customer shall appoint a qualified project manager from the Customer’s side.
  • The Customer shall pay the first instalment of the preliminary connection fee. 
7. Selecting suppliers/contractors

When the Customer builds the part of the transmission system necessary for the connection

When the TSO builds the part of the transmission system necessary for the connection

The Customer shall choose a qualified designer

  • The Customer shall choose a qualified designer who shall draw up the technical design, the technical working design and conclude a contract with him. A turnkey contract or two separate contracts for the design service and the construction works can be concluded.

Download the recommended Model Contract Work Agreement here (in Lithuanian).

Amber Grid shall authorise the designer

The developer shall be authorised by the TSO to represent the TSO in relations with third parties and carry out all actions and formalities on behalf of the TSO to the extent that the Law on Construction and other legislation regulating spatial planning, design and construction require the preparation of a construction design, its coordination, the organisation of the expert examination of the design, the supervision of the implementation of the design, and any other related actions, and the obtaining of construction permits on behalf of the TSO.

The designer shall prepare the technical/working design and obtain the building permit

  • The development of the technical design shall start with the agreement of the schematic diagram between the TSO and the designer. Once the technical working design has been prepared by the designer, it shall be submitted to the parties concerned for coordination. The TSO shall reserve the right to commission expert reports to assess the technical working design prepared by the designer.
  • The Customer shall prepare a design for both its part of the biogas production facility and the part of the TSO system and associated structures that require development in order to connect the Customer’s biogas production facility to the TSO gas transmission system. Separate building permits must be obtained for designs of the systems of the Customer and the TSO.
  •  To advice to make the design coordination process as smooth as possible:
  1. choose designers who have previous experience of work on gas pipelines;
  2. the designer to prepare a single overall layout drawing at the initial design stage showing the principal solutions and preliminarily agree on the principal solutions with the TSO;
  3. if different designers work on different parts of the design, the Customer shall coordinate the parts of the design(s), and seek that the designers coordinate their actions with each other before submission of the the design to the TSO.
To submit the technical design and the technical working draft to the TSO for final approval only when they are complete, not as separate parts of the design.
  • The Customer must make sure that the municipality has involved the National Energy Regulatory Council (along with other relevant authorities) in the approval of the building permit and that the Council’s approval has been obtained.
  • The Customer shall inform the TSO upon receipt of the building permit.

The Customer shall choose a qualified contractor and equipment supplier

  • The Customer shall choose qualified contractors to carry out the construction works (if not already contracted together with the design works), and also choose suppliers of equipment and materials accordingly and conclude contracts with them.
The TSO shall advise to proactively cooperate with suppliers to avoid shortages of materials and equipment, delays and non-compliance with delivery deadlines.   
  • The TSO shall carry out public procurement procedures to procure design and construction works for the part of the transmission system required for connection 
  • Upon the award of the procurement, the Customer shall pay the second instalment of the preliminary connection payment
We recommend that you take into account that public procurement normally takes 6 months or more due to the legal requirements. For this reason, there are limited opportunities to negotiate favourable terms. 
8. Construction works shall be carried out

When the Customer builds the part of the transmission system necessary for the connection

When the TSO builds the part of the transmission system necessary for the connection

  • The Customer shall use contractors to carry out the construction works in accordance with the legal requirements. The technical supervision of the works shall be carried out by the designated staff of the TSO. The TSO shall carry out the maintenance only on the transmission system extension part. It is the Customer’s responsibility to ensure that the conditions to ensure control of the contractors are in place.
  • The design and construction work on the transmission system, including the preparation of the connection point to connect the Customer’s system, is organised and coordinated by the TSO.
  • The design and construction of the part of the Customer’s system to be connected shall in all cases be organised by the Customer.
9. Hot tapping and system interconnection works shall be carried out

When the Customer builds the part of the transmission system necessary for the connection

When the TSO builds the part of the transmission system necessary for the connection

  • It is important to plan well in advance (it is recommended to plan and agree with the company carrying out the hot tapping works and the TSO at least six months in advance). Once the contractor has successfully completed the tests at the tapping site, the interconnection of the systems shall start.
  • Testing of the as-built transmission system and
  • Arrangements shall be made for third parties to cut into the existing pipeline and connect the systems.
10. Completion of construction, registration of new properties and settlement of accounts

When the Customer builds the part of the transmission system necessary for the connection

When the TSO builds the part of the transmission system necessary for the connection

  • Construction shall be considered complete when:

- the National Energy Regulatory Council has issued certificates* for the technical inspection of the technical condition of the energy installations for both the Customer’s Site and the new part of the TSO system;

- a Construction Completion Certificate** has been received;

- debugging works on the commissioning of installed equipment have been carried out.

  • The TSO shall provide the necessary authority for the legal registration of the site. The property registration documents and all other documentation shall be forwarded to the TSO.
  • Upon proper fulfilment of all the terms of the Connection Service Contract, the TSO shall return to the Customer the performance security provided by the Customer.
  • Construction shall be considered as complete when all physical works have been completed, the certificate* issued by the National Energy Regulatory Council has been obtained, all necessary tests and trials have been carried out, and the completion certificate has been obtained.  
  • Upon completion of the works, the Customer shall pay the final part of the connection fee (the difference between the preliminary calculated fee and the actual costs incurred by the TSO for the connection). If there is an overpayment, the TSO shall refund to the Customer the overpaid part of the connection fee accordingly.
* The certificate of technical inspection of energy facilities shall be issued by the National Energy Regulatory Council (NER) in accordance with the requirements of the Description of the Procedure for Issue of Certificates of Technical Inspection of Energy Facilities (in Lithuanian). Detailed information on obtaining a certificate from the NER is available on the website of the NER.
** The certificate of completion of construction shall be obtained in accordance with Chapter V of STR 1.05.01:2017 “Documents Permitting Construction. Completion of Construction. Registration and Transfer of Unfinished Construction Works. Suspension of construction. Removal of the Consequences of Arbitrary Construction. Removal of the Consequences of Construction under an Unlawfully Issued Document Permitting Construction” (in Lithuanian). It shall be issued by the Construction Inspectorate to the builder.
You will only be able to use the transmission system if you have ordered transmission capacity in advance. You can do this by signing a gas transmission service agreement with Amber Grid or by choosing a supply company. We recommend that you seek contractual advice no later than 1-2 months to the expected completion of the connection works.

Upon connection of the biogas production facilities to the transmission system of Amber Grid, the following agreements shall be signed between the parties:

  1. Cooperation agreement, which shall set out the terms and conditions of cooperation between the TSO and the Customer. If you have any questions regarding the cooperation agreement, please contact us by e-mail pardavimai@ambergrid.lt or by telephone +370 699 07302.
  2. Gas transmission agreement (required before testing, trials of the biogas production plant system). Transportation of biomethane through the transmission system can be carried out either by the biomethane producer or by an authorised company with a gas transmission service agreement. For all the information you need on how to enter into a gas transmission service agreement, click here (in Lithuanian). For the gas transmission service agreement, please contact pardavimai@ambergrid.lt or call +370 699 07301.
  3. Guarantees of origin. Gas produced from renewable energy sources and supplied into natural gas networks may be covered by guarantees of origin. Guarantees of origin shall only be granted to market participants registered in the “Guarantee of Origin Register” administered by Amber Grid. For more information on how guarantees of origin are granted and the fees for services, please look Guarantees of Origin for Green Gas.
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