

Amber Grid Strategy 2035

The strategy of the Lithuanian gas transmission system operator Amber Grid, which belongs to the EPSO-G group of new energy companies is in line with the direction outlined in the National Energy Independence Strategy - to ensure energy self-sufficiency, develop high-value exports, energy security, and a climate-neutral economy, so that energy change reaches all consumers.

Our strategy is to organise our activities in such a way that Lithuania will be self-sufficient in energy resources and the changes we are making create value for the economy. With the commitments set out in Strategy 2035, we are pursuing three goals - to create an infrastructure that enables reliable supply of clean energy, to ensure energy and national security, and to be reliable strategic partners to our customers in the transformation of the energy sector. 

We will continue to maintain and modernise the existing gas transmission network by implementing new projects such as the Green Hydrogen Corridor or the CO2 network. We see that for more than a decade to come, gas will be an important energy resource on the Lithuanian market, in our region and Europe. Our well-developed infrastructure and international flows oblige us as strategic partners to take care of our customers. Also to ensure the safety and security of the gas transmission system, anticipate potential threats, protect and educate communities living close to the gas pipelines. 

Amber Grid strategy 2035, together with the companies of the EPSO-G Group, highlights the Group's common mission - to accelerate energy independence and increase system reliability, and its vision - to enable green transformation, while ensuring the interests of energy and national security. A range of empowerment tools will be used to achieve the strategic changes and goals: financing, innovation and digitalisation, partnerships, asset development and management, supply chain and procurement improvements.

The successful implementation of the strategy will be built on the backbone of the organisation - professional employees, which demand in the Company will grow by 30% over ten years. Specialists who are able to develop new infrastructure are already being trained, competence in the field of green energy technologies is being raised, cooperation is being carried out with international partners, creating a common European hydrogen network, participating in energy initiatives.

 More information on Amber Grid Strategy 2035 is available here


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