Self service


Tips for preparing for connection to the gas transmission system

Tips for preparing for connection to the gas transmission system:

  • Detailed information on the gas transmission system developed in the country, i.e. pipelines and pipeline facilities, as well as nearby land parcels, is available in the online map database REGIA (
  • The owner of the biogas production facility shall select and agree with the TSO the point of connection to the gas transmission system to which the TSO shall install the main gas pipeline branch required for the connection.
  • We recommend choosing a point of connection as close to the main gas pipeline as possible. It must be taken into account that there is a 25 metre safety zone along the pipeline, where construction works are restricted. Also, the land through which the pipeline is to be laid shall be subject to land use restrictions. The construction costs increase when building the long section needed for the connection.
  • When building a connection, it is not always possible to choose the shortest route, as legal requirements such as distances to buildings, roads, power lines, etc. must be taken into account.
  • When planning to build the Biogas Facility Connector, we do not recommend building it through the forest, near residential areas, and crossing many private properties. This increases the design time, the dissatisfaction of the population and the connection costs.
  • A road (e.g. a dirt road) and other necessary infrastructure shall have to be provided for access to the valve site.
  • The biogas producer can either carry out the connection works on its own, in agreement with the TSO, or it can pay a connection fee to the TSO, which is the cost of the construction of the main gas pipeline branch and the associated costs. In this case, the TSO shall organise all works on the transmission system.
  • A valve shall be installed on the section of the main gas pipeline required for the connection, which can be remotely closed or opened by the TSO from its system control centre as required. The valve requires electricity to operate. The longer the distance over which the electricity distribution line has to be laid, the higher the connection costs.
  • We recommend that the choice of the place for the construction and connection of a biogas plant takes into account the specific conditions of the site, such as soil, ground, topography, size of the site, road conditions, local infrastructure, development prospects, and the social impact of the plant, i.e. noise, odours and visual pollution.