
Public consultations

Please find more information regarding actual market consultations

The market participants' survey on the development of the hydrogen network

Amber Grid, together with other European gas transmission system operators—Gasgrid Finland (Finland), Elering (Estonia), Conexus Baltic Grid (Latvia), GAZ-SYSTEM (Poland), and ONTRAS (Germany)—is participating in the international Nordic-Baltic Hydrogen Corridor project. This initiative aims to connect potential green hydrogen production regions in Northern Europe with major consumption centers in Central Europe.

In June 2024, a preliminary feasibility study was completed, analyzing European and regional energy policies and providing concrete insights into the production and consumption potential of green and low-carbon hydrogen in the Nordic-Baltic region.

Currently, a detailed feasibility study is underway, with a strong focus on pipeline routing, compressor station planning, financial and economic analysis, environmental permits, safety considerations, and the implementation schedule.

Up-to-date information on hydrogen market development plans in Lithuania is essential for preparing this detailed feasibility study. Therefore, Amber Grid is conducting a non-binding survey of hydrogen market participants to identify potential locations for hydrogen production and consumption, assess transmission capacity needs, and determine the expected timeline for hydrogen transportation demand.

We invite all interested parties—industrial companies, hydrogen project developers, and other market participants active or planning to operate in the hydrogen sector—to participate in the survey.

We kindly ask for your responses by 1 March 2025. The survey results will be presented publicly in May 2025.

For more details about the planned hydrogen transmission network, please visit here. Additional information about green gas can be found in the Hydrogen | Green Gas section of our website.

If you need further information or have any questions or comments regarding the questionnaire, please contact Amber Grid at hydrogen@ambergrid.lt.


Public consultation on amendments of Kiemenai interconnection agreement

According to art. 4 (2) of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/703 of 30 April 2015 establishing a network code on interoperability and data exchange rules of Latvian and Lithuanian natural gas transmission system operators, JSC Conexus Baltic Grid and AB Amber Grid, are initiating a public consultation on amendments of Kiemenai interconnection agreement (hereafter referred to as Agreement).

The aim of this consultation is to gather input from stakeholders regarding the draft Agreement part, which deals with:

1) rules for the matching process;

2) rules for the allocation of gas quantities;

3) communication procedures in case of exceptional events.

The relevant provisions of the draft Agreement between Amber Grid and Conexus Baltic Grid are available here.

Stakeholders are invited to submit proposals and comments in English on the proposed draft Agreement from January 2, 2025 until January 19, 2025, by sending them to the TSOs e-mail addresses: Conexus Baltic Grid (Aleksandrs.Lvovs@conexus.lv) and Amber Grid (consultation@ambergrid.lt).

Please clearly indicate whether your comments contain information that is confidential to third parties.

Amber Grid and Conexus Baltic Grid will evaluate the comments received during the consultation, and if necessary, adjust the text of the draft Agreement.

In the cases stipulated in the legislation, transmission system operators may forward any comments received during public consultations to the national regulatory authorities or other institutions.

We are looking forward to receiving your opinions.

Public Consultation on the Tariff methodology for the services provided by the Lithuanian transmission system operator and indicative 2026-2028 tariffs

Due to the transmission tariff methodology changes the National Energy Regulatory Council (NERC), on 16th December 2024, published public consultation on the reference price methodology for determining the tariffs of services provided by the Lithuanian natural gas transmission system operator AB Amber Grid for the new gas transmission tariff period (2026) and subsequent periods.

The consultation is carried out based on European Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/460 of 16 March 2017 establishing a network code on harmonised transmission tariff structures for gas (TAR NC), both Art. 26 of TAR NC (Periodic consultation, covering reference price methodology, tariffs and their derivation, and mandatory to be repeated at least every 5 years) and Art. 28 (Consultation on discounts, multipliers and seasonal factors). Moreover, some amendments stemming from Regulation (EU) 2024/1789 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 2024 on the internal markets for renewable gas, natural gas and hydrogen, amending Regulations (EU) No 1227/2011, (EU) 2017/1938, (EU) 2019/942 and (EU) 2022/869 and Decision (EU) 2017/684 and repealing Regulation (EC) No 715/2009 (recast), which was adopted by Council of the European Union and European Parliament in June 2024, requirements are consulted as well.

The document of public consultation, tariff models are available here

Final decision on tariffs will be adopted by the LT NRA after assessing comments and proposals to be received from the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) by May 31st, 2025.

We would like to invite all interested parties to submit any comments and proposals for this consultation document by e-mail to info@vert.lt (with copy to and  tariffs@ambergrid.lt) no later than February 14th 2025.

Market Survey on the Need for Mixing Green Hydrogen with Gas

Lithuania's gas transmission system operator Amber Grid plans to develop a network for transporting pure green hydrogen (hereinafter referred to as H2) in Lithuania, i.e., pipelines between hydrogen producers and consumers in Lithuania and connections with other countries.

The development of H2 infrastructure in Lithuania will be important for the decarbonization of the economy and ensuring energy independence. The first solutions for the pure H2 network are expected to be implemented after 2030.

In addition, Amber Grid is considering creating the possibility for H2 producers to supply (under certain conditions) H2 into the existing natural gas system. According to current natural gas quality requirements, the mixed hydrogen could constitute up to 0.1% by volume of the gas transported through the pipelines, and with certain investments in infrastructure, the concentration of hydrogen could be increased to 2% of the transported gas volume.

Survey Objective: To assess the need for hydrogen supply/blending into the existing natural gas transmission system.

It is important to identify potential production locations for green H2 intended for blending into the existing natural gas transmission system, the size of capacities, and the periods when the need for H2 transportation is expected to arise.

For this purpose, we are initiating a survey of interested parties and invite all those who plan to produce H2 and supply it into the existing natural gas transmission system to participate.

Please fill in the survey here. Your responses are expected till 3rd July, 2024.

More information about hydrogen and Amber Grid plans can be found on our website.

If you have additional information, questions, or comments related to the questionnaire, please contact the Energy Transformation Center of Amber Grid (email: etc@ambergrid.lt), or - the Renewable Energy Technology Manager Andrius Šostakas, email: a.sostakas@ambergrid.lt.

By completing this survey, you agree that the information you provide will be used by Amber Grid for planning the adaptation of the existing natural gas transmission infrastructure for hydrogen transportation and for coordinating such plans with state institutions.

Your contribution is important in shaping the vision of H2 transmission infrastructure in Lithuania!

Public consultation on the gas transmission network development plan 2024-2033 announced

Amber Grid, the Lithuanian gas transmission system operator, organises a public consultation on its ten-year gas transmission network development plan. Plan you will find here

“The plan sets out clear steps to strengthen Lithuania’s energy independence, expand the diversity of energy sources, and ensure further regional integration in Lithuania and beyond. Lithuania, like other European countries, is not only ensuring the reliability of the existing infrastructure, but is also preparing for the creation of a hydrogen transport network to deliver green hydrogen to Lithuanian consumers and to meet the needs of the European Union,” says Nemunas Biknius, CEO at Amber Grid.

Some key aspects of Amber Grid’s ten-year network development plan:

  • Upgrading the existing gas infrastructure and increasing resilience to crisis situations,
  • Developing alternative energy sources, integrating renewable energy,
  • Developing a hydrogen transport network, synergies between the gas and electricity sectors,
  • Reducing greenhouse gases (GHG).

Please send your comments and suggestions on Amber Grid’s ten-year development plan by email to consultation@ambergrid.lt up to and including 14 June 2024. In the subject line, please indicate that this is a response to the public consultation on Amber Grid’s ten-year development plan. If your response contains confidential aspects, please indicate which information should not be made public when summarising the results of the consultation.

Public consultation on Amber Grid tariffs’ methodology and indicative 2024-2028 tariffs
Due to the transmission tariff methodology changes for upcoming regulatory period (2024-2028) the National Energy Regulatory Council (LT NRA), on 2nd December 2022, published public consultation on the reference price methodology for determining the tariffs of services provided by the Lithuanian natural gas transmission system operator AB Amber Grid for year 2024-2028. If new significant changes would appear during  new regulatory period these changes would be consulted again. 
The consultation is carried out based on European Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/460 of 16 March 2017 establishing a network code on harmonised transmission tariff structures for gas (TAR NC), both Art. 26 of TAR NC (Periodic consultation, covering reference price methodology, tariffs and their derivation, and mandatory to be repeated at least every 5 years) and Art. 28 (Consultation on discounts, multipliers and seasonal factors).
The document of public consultation, tariff models are available here
Final decision on tariffs will be adopted by the LT NRA after assessing comments and proposals to be received from the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) by May 31st, 2023.
We would like to invite all interested parties to submit any comments and proposals for this consultation document by e-mail to info@vert.lt (with copy to lina.karpaviciute@vert.lt and tariffs@ambergrid.lt) no later than February 1st 2023.
Regional consultation on market needs for the activities related to Guarantees of Origin

Transmission system operators in the Baltic States and Finland are organizing a joint regional consultation on the market needs for the activities related to Guarantees of Origin and overall market potential in Baltic and Finnish region

The Transmission System Operators (TSOs) Amber Grid, Conexus Baltic Grid, Elering and Gasgrid Finland, from which Amber Grid and Elering are operating national GO issuing body and Gasgrid starting to operate from 2022 April, while Conexus Baltic Grid could become national GO issuing body in the future, organize a joint consultation questionnaire on the market needs for the activities related to Guarantees of Origin (hereinafter GOs) and overall market potential in Baltic and Finnish region.
This year Amber Grid, Conexus Baltic Grid, Elering and Gasgrid Finland signed Memorandum of Understanding on promoting development of green gases. Among other topics TSOs agreed to promote harmonized digital cross-border GOs exchange in the region. TSO agreed to promote GO mutual recognition measures, as foreseen in RED II, laws, regulations and other documents such as policies and standards building upon it or otherwise related to it, and respect the additional criteria, which are established in country of each TSO.
In order to develop GOs cross border exchange solution that the best fulfills the needs of market participants and stakeholders, we would kindly invite you to participate in this consultation. 
The received opinions will be used as a base for TSOs for prioritizing future GOs market development and related activities in the Finnish-Baltic countries.
All information (incl. contact details) provided by the Respondents in the consultation questionnaire will be shared between the TSOs. TSOs will not publish consultation responses with Respondents' personal information, but the results may be compiled and published to increase transparency. Any public summary will be composed in a manner that ensures anonymity. The results may also be presented for the ministries and other authorities responsible for governing GOs and development of green gases in the Finnish-Baltic market area. 
Please provide your answers to the Consultation questionnaire by 31st of January.
Here is the consultation questionnaire: Link
If you have any questions, please contact:
In Lithuania - Mr. Mindaugas Protas m.protas@ambergrid.lt +370 624 90051
Consultation document on Common principles for market information publication
In order to align the publication principles used in the Baltic-Finnish market area the Transmission system operators (TSOs) of the market area have developed a descriptive document to clarify, align and communicate the current principles used prior and when disclosing the infrastructure and service based transparency and inside information to the market participants. This document is intended as a set of guidelines to the market participants to elaborate the principles, timelines and methodologies used, as well as to explain the information already disclosed. 
The aim of the Document is to consult information transparency principles which will be taken into account by TSOs as a best practice guideline.
The document sets out the principles for:

1. Publication of the market transparency and inside information

  • Defines the common publication locations and information available on each publication system (including Annex 1). 

2. Capacity calculation methodology coordination

  • Defines the main capacity calculation principles
  • Defines the main schedule for the calculation procedure
3. Capacity calculation and coordination timeframes
  • Defines the timeframes and coordination times of the capacity information, as well as the publication time of the coordinated capacity
4. Common view on the publication principles used in the REMIT ((EC) No 1227/2011) and Transparency reporting ((EC) No 715/2009) 
  • Defines any other data or procedure used and data published, mainly:

a) Definitions used in the publications

b) Publication of implicit capacity shares.

c) Virtual capacity on the interconnection points

d) Coordination of joint maintenance plans

  • The use of UMM and inside information disclosure
The outcome of this public consultation is used to determine the best practices between all TSOs in common Finnish-Baltic market area and use the feedback in the review process of the relevant market rules and TSO-TSO contracts. Public consultation is open at all Baltic-Finnish market area TSOs until 06.09.2021 on links provided below. Feedback can be provided to any of the contacts listed below under specific TSO.
Amber Grid: 
Conexus Baltic Grid:
GasGrid Finland:
Public consultation regarding amendment to the rules for use of the transmission system

Amber Grid, in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Rules on public consultation approved by the National Energy Regulatory Council (resolution No. O3-350, dated 28th of October 2011) is announcing a public consultation on the draft of the amendment of the AB Amber Grid Rules for Access to the Natural Gas Transmission System, hereinafter - the Draft Rules.

Draft Rules are needed to implement European Commission and Council Regulation (EU) 2022/2576 of 19 December 2022 enhancing solidarity through better coordination of gas purchases, reliable price benchmarks and exchanges of gas across borders and to ensure effective use of transmission capacities at interconnection points. The new version of the rules will apply from April 1, 2023.

Amber Grid requests to get acquainted with the Draft Rules and to submit comments and suggestions by 24 February, 2023. Please submit comments and suggestions by e-mail consultation@ambergrid.lt.

At the end of the period of public consultation conducted by the company, the company will evaluate the comments and suggestions received during the consultation and submit the final edition of the Rules to the National Energy Regulatory Council.

The Draft Rules with marked corrections are available here.

Amendments to AB Amber Grid Rules for Access to the Natural Gas Transmission System

The public consultation on the AB Amber Grid Rules for Access to the Natural Gas Transmission System was held from 11 February 2025 to 25 February 2025.

We are publishing the comments and proposals submitted by interested parties:

The above-mentioned responses to comments and draft rules have been submitted to the National Energy Regulatory Council for coordination.

Following the relevant edition of the Resolution No. O3-350 of 28 October 2011 of the National Energy Regulatory Council (hereinafter – the Council) "On the Approval of the Public Consultation Rules for Draft Legal Acts of the National Energy Regulatory Council," Amber Grid announces a public consultation on the draft amendments to AB Amber Grid Rules for Access to the Natural Gas Transmission System (hereinafter – the Draft Rules).

Key Changes in the Draft Rules:

  • The Lithuanian transmission system operator AB Amber Grid, together with the Latvian transmission system operator AS Conexus Baltic Grid, aims to ensure efficient, transparent, and market-driven capacity allocation. Responding to market participants’ expectations, it is planned that starting from the 2025/2026 gas year, capacity at the Lithuanian-Latvian interconnection point will be allocated through an auction platform. Consequently, amendments have been made to the Draft Rules to specify that, from 1 October 2025, capacity at the Lithuanian-Latvian interconnection point will be allocated via the capacity allocation (auction) platform. 10% of the capacity at this point will continue to be allocated using the Implicit Capacity Allocation (ICA) method.
  • After UAB Get Baltic joins the European Energy Exchange (EEX), the implicit capacity allocation service will be organized by the EEX, together with the European Commodity Clearing (ECC), acting as the central counterparty. Therefore, definitions of Central Counterparty and Clearing have been added to the Draft Rules.
  • With the transition to the EEX platform, the timing for implicit capacity allocation will change. Since it is not appropriate to include both the current and future implicit capacity allocation methods in the rules simultaneously, the description of the implicit capacity allocation method will be removed from the rules and published on the Amber Grid website.

Starting from the provision of implicit capacity allocation services through EEX, capacities will be allocated at the following times (EET/EEST):

  • Day-ahead capacities: From 10:00 to 15:00 on Day D-1.
  • Within-day capacities: From 03:00 on Day D-1 to 03:00 on Day D.
  • Amendments have been made regarding the payment of the security component fee in cases of negative prices, following the Resolution of the National Energy Regulatory Council of 30 January 2025, which approved the Procedure for the Administration of Funds Allocated to Cover the Costs of the LNG Terminal, its Infrastructure, and Connection. The amendments ensure proper payment arrangements for the security component fee when the natural gas security of supply additional component is negative.
  • Other smaller changes have been made.

We invite you to review the Draft Rules and submit your comments and suggestions by email to consultation@ambergrid.lt by 25 February 2025.

At the end of the consultation period, Amber Grid will evaluate all comments and proposals received and submit the final version of the Draft Rules to the Council for approval.
The Draft Rules with marked corrections are available [here].

Please note that the Draft Rules also include changes announced during the public consultation started on September 26, 2024, which are already under review by the Council.

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