


Chairman of the Board 

Paulius Butkus, Head of Development and Innovation at EPSO-G

With nearly 10 years of experience in the energy sector, Paulius Butkus has joined EPSO-G in 2023. He is responsible for coordinating the preparation of the energy transformation study, the development of the Group’s innovation, data analytics and management, and other development activities.

For the past four years, P. Butkus has been working as the RDI Strategy & Stakeholder Engagement Manager at ENTSO-E, the European Network of Transmission System Operators in Brussels.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Nuclear Physics from Vilnius University
  • Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
  • Doctorate in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Vilnius Gediminas Technical University.


Member of the Board

Darius Kašauskas, Chief Financial Officer, UAB EPSO-G Group

With more than 16 years of experience in the energy sector, Mr Kašauskas joined EPSO-G in 2023. He is responsible for the Group's financial and treasury management, accounting, planning and control, and other operational areas.

From 2013 to 2022, he was a member of the Management Board and Head of Finance and Treasury of Ignitis Group, a member of the Management Board and Supervisory Board of Ignitis Group and of other companies in the energy sector, and a member of the Supervisory Boards and chaired the Management Boards of companies and the Supervisory Boards.


  • 1995 Master's degree in Economics from Vilnius University

  • 2012 Master's degree in Management from ISM University of Management and Economics and BI Norwegian Business School

  • 2018 Graduated from ISM University of Management and Economics with a PhD in Economics in Social Sciences

Other positions:

  • Chairman of the Board of UAB Tetas


Member of the Board

Karolis Švaikauskas, Head of the Energy Competitiveness Policy Group of the Ministry of Energy of Lithuania 

He joined the Ministry of Energy of Lithuania as a Chief Specialist in 2011, where he has worked ever since. After gaining managerial experience in different departments of the Ministry, he has been heading the Energy Competitiveness Policy Group since 2019. 


  • 2009. Bachelor of History, Vytautas Magnus University.  
  • 2010. Scandinavian and Northern European Studies, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany.  
  • 2011. Master of Political Science and Baltic Region Studies, Vytautas Magnus University. 

Other duties: 

  • Member of the Board of AB Klaipėdos nafta. 


Independent Board Member

Peter Loof Helth

He has competences in digitalization and energy industry transformation, with experience in public, private, and shareholder-owned sectors. He has held key positions in strategy, finance, and digital technology at Ørsted (DONG Energy), a major player in the green transition of Denmark's energy sector. Currently he is managing a strategic automation program at Falck, a global provider of healthcare and emergency services. He holds a MSc. in Mathematics and Economics and a CBS Executive certificate in Customer Oriented Leadership.

He holds a MSc. in Mathematics and Economics and a CBS Executive certificate in Customer Oriented Leadership.


Independent Board Member

Alexander Feindt

He has extensive international experience in the energy, renewables, gas, maritime and transport industries. He has worked for Shell, MAN Energy Solutions, served as Chairman of the Board of the Maritime LNG Platform and as Chairman of the Board of the Renewable and Low-Carbon Fuels Industry Alliance.

He holds MSc. in Politics and Management at University of Konstanz.



Heads of AB Amber Grid

Nemunas Biknius, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)  

He joined the company in 2019. His area of activity is strategic management and efficient organisation of natural gas transmission activities.  

Professional experience:  

  • Chairman of the Supervisory Board, AB Klaipėda State Seaport Authority
  • Strategy and Development Director, UAB EPSO-G. 
  • Chairman of the Board, UAB Baltpool. 
  • Member of the Board, AB Litgrid. 
  • Member of the Board, UAB GET Baltic. 
  • Services and Development Director, Member of the Board, AB Lietuvos dujos. 


  • Master of Energy and Thermal Engineering, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. 
  • Environmental Management Studies, Aalborg University, Denmark. 
  • Management Studies, ISM University of Management and Economics. 


Gytis Fominas, Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

He joined the company in 2013. His areas of activity include formulation of the company’s financial policy, preparation of forecasts for financial indicators and budgets, control of their implementation, ensuring performance analysis, financing of operations and maintenance of liquidity, organisation, supervision and control of procurement, and coordination of the risk management process. 

Professional experience:  

  • Head of Finance Management, AB Lietuvos dujos. 
  • Director of Finance Department, AB Amber Grid. 
  • Member of the Board, UAB GET Baltic.   


  • Business Management and Administration, Vilnius University.  


Ingrida Kudabienė, Director of Law and Organisation Development

She joined the company in 2020. Her areas of activity include management of the company’s human resources, legal and office administration services. 

Professional experience:  

  • Head of Legal Department, AB LESTO. 
  • Head of Legal Department, AB Lietuvos dujos. 
  • Head of Legal Department, AB Energijos skirstymo operatorius.
  • Member of the Board, Technologijų ir inovacijų centras. 
  • Head of Legal Services Center, Ignitis Group paslaugų centras.
  • Member of the Board, GET Baltic. 


  • Law, Vilnius University. 


Justas Černiauskas, Commercial Director 

He joined the company in 2016. His area of activity is strategic planning, economic analysis, management of pricing, relations with customers and regulatory authorities, transmission system and functions of subordinated departments. 

Professional experience: 

  • Head of System Management Center, AB Amber Grid. 
  • Member of the Board, UAB GET Baltic. 
  • Head of the Gas Division, National Commission for Energy Control and Prices.



  • Economy, Mykolas Romeris University  



Tomas Urmanavičius, Director of Organisational Advancement  

He joined the company in 2020. His areas of activity include management of the company’s current projects, implementation of IT functions and strategy formulation, operational efficiency, innovation development, and data analytics.  

Professional experience:  

  • Head of Finance and Analysis, UAB Energijos tiekimas. 
  • Board Member, UAB Baltpool. 
  • Head of Finance Control, UAB EPSO-G. 
  • Chairman of the Board, UAB Tetas. 


  • Bachelor of Economics, Vilnius University. 
  • Master of Finance Management, Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands.   


Laimonas Kučinskas, Technical Director

He joined the company in 2024. His area of activity is development of the gas transmission system,  adapting gas transmission network for the safe transportation of renewable energy resources, forming and implementing a sustainable asset management and exploitation strategy, developing innovative technologies and efficient infrastructure activities.  

Professional experience:  

  • Director of Production Department, UAB „Montuotojas“. 
  • Head of the Construction Control and Maintenance group, UAB „Vilniaus kogeneracinė jėgainė“.
  • Technical Director, UAB „Enerstena“. 
  • Director, UAB „Enerstenos gamyba”.  
  • Project Manager, UAB „Kauno Energetikos remontas”.  


  • Mechanical Engineering, Kaunas University of Technology.
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