Self service


Qualification requirements

Qualification requirements for consent when works are carried out under a work contract
  • Reconstruction, repair and appropriate testing of operating transmission system facilities (installations) may be carried out by companies certified by the State Energy Inspectorate to operate the respective natural gas installations.
  • The construction of transmission system facilities may be carried out by companies holding certificates issued by the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania or by SE Construction Production Certification Centre for the respective construction activities.
  • Employees performing work in operating transmission system facilities and installations (except for co-construction work) shall be certified in accordance with the requirements of the “Description of the Procedure for Certification of Employees Constructing and Operating Energy Facilities and Installations”.
  • Employees (professionals) performing work in operating transmission system facilities and installations must hold qualification certificates issued by a training institution (appropriate to the work being performed). Heads of the main areas of construction technical activities (project manager of a special construction project, supervisor of a special construction project, head of a part of a special construction project, supervisor of a part of a special construction project) shall hold a certificate issued by the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania or by SE Construction Production Certification Centre for the respective area of work.
  • Employees carrying out welding work in the transmission system facility must hold a document certifying their qualifications. During work in an operating transmission system facility, the welder must hold a document authorising them to work in a natural gas environment.
  • The Company’s employees may be accompanied by qualified employees of other companies working under contracts with the Company to reconstruct or repair operating transmission system facilities (installations) when performing work in operating transmission system facilities (installations) in a natural gas environment. They must be trained to carry out work in a natural gas environment. In this case, an employee designated by the Company shall be the head of the organisation and coordination of the works.
  • Energy personnel of legal persons established in a Member State, or of their subsidiaries, carrying out reconstruction, repair and testing work in operating transmission system facilities (installations) who acquired the necessary knowledge and skills in another Member State, shall submit documents certifying their qualifications issued by a body accredited in accordance with LST EN ISO/IEC 17024:2012 “Conformity assessment — General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons”.
  • Energy personnel who have not been certified in accordance with the prescribed procedure or who do not hold documents certifying their qualifications issued in a Member State shall be prohibited from constructing (installing) and operating energy facilities and installations, unless otherwise provided for by legislation.
Qualification requirements for consent when works are performed during provision of services
  • Maintenance services for operating transmission system facilities (installations) may be provided by companies certified by the State Energy Inspectorate to operate the respective natural gas facilities.
  • All personnel performing maintenance and testing work in operating existing transmission system facilities and installations shall be certified in accordance with the requirements of the “Description of the Procedure for Certification of Employees Constructing and Operating Energy Facilities and Installations”.
  • Energy personnel of legal persons established in a Member State, or of their subsidiaries, carrying out maintenance and testing work in operating transmission system facilities (installations) who acquired the necessary knowledge and skills in another Member State, shall submit documents certifying their qualifications issued by a body accredited in accordance with LST EN ISO/IEC 17024:2012 “Conformity assessment — General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons”.
  • Energy personnel performing maintenance and testing work in operating transmission system facilities (installations) who are not certified in accordance with the established procedure or who do not have documents certifying their qualifications issued in a Member State, shall be prohibited from constructing (installing) and operating energy facilities and installations, unless otherwise provided for by legislation.
  • Legal persons established in a Member State and providing services under service or warranty maintenance and/or repair contracts shall be exempt from the requirements of paragraph 3.
Qualification requirements for consent when works not related to the transmission system are carried out in the protection zone of transmission system facilities (installations)

In the case of works on the crossing of utilities networks under gas pipelines performed in a closed manner (using trenchless technology), the employees of the company performing such works must have qualification documents that entitle them to perform works using trenchless technology. The work on the intersection of the utilities networks with the gas pipeline must be supervised by a representative of the Company.

