Amber Grid has membership in the following organisations: European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas ENTSOG (, Association Polish and Lithuanian Chamber of Commerce, National Lithuanian Energy Association, Lithuanian Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Platform, EASEE-gas Association, European Renewable Gas Registry (ERGaR), European Clean Hydrogen Alliance, Lithuanian Hydrogen Platform, Lithuanian Hydrogen Energy Association, association INFOBALT, European Hydrogen Backbone initiative:
- ENTSOG was established in accordance with Regulation No. 715/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council, as an organisation facilitating cooperation between the gas transmission system operators at the European Community level.
- Association Polish and Lithuanian Chamber of Commerce is a bilateral organisation for economic cooperation between Lithuania and Poland. The Association collects information for its members about the emerging business opportunities in both countries, cooperates with organisations and individuals ensuring business management and development, and organises conferences and events on various subjects.
- The National Lithuanian Energy Association was set up in 2016. The Association develops a common position of the energy sector, represents the interests of its members with the state authorities, public and international organisations, seeks to ensure development and improvement of electrical energy and gas supply conditions for the domestic consumers, and promotion of progress in the economic and technical energy sector.
- The Lithuanian Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Platform was set up in 2017. The Platform partners seek to promote the use of LNG as a new, cleaner and less noisy fuel in the sectors of transport, industry and others, in order to build a single information and operation platform for all potential LNG market participants.
- EASEE-gas association was set up to develop and promote business practices to simplify and streamline physical gas transportation and trading across Europe.
- The main purpose of ERGaR Association is to promote, develop and maintain a trustworthy system that meets the EU regulatory requirements and enables cross-border trade in certificates of origin for renewable gases via the European natural gas network while preventing double sale and double counting of renewable gases.
- Amber Grid is a member of the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance, which aims to assist with the implementation of the goals of the EU Hydrogen Strategy in order to support the scaling up of renewable hydrogen value chain across Europe.
- Amber Grid is a member of the Lithuanian Hydrogen Platform set up under the Ministry of Energy. The Platform aims to assist with the implementation of the goals of the EU Hydrogen Strategy to support the scaling up of renewable hydrogen value chain across Europe. It also promotes the use of hydrogen as a clean fuel, energy source and carrier in the sectors of transport, industry and others, as well as promotes engagement of local businesses and organisations in the activities of the hydrogen value chain as they develop and manufacture products and prove services for the domestic and external needs.
- Amber Grid is a member of the Lithuanian Hydrogen Energy Association. The Association joins the local scholars and business organisations and participates in the formation of national, regional and EU policy and goals, including the preparation of strategy and hydrogen development action plan during the legislative process of legal acts regulating the hydrogen energy sector in Lithuania; also contributes to proposition of legislative initiatives that would promote local development of hydrogen technology, thereby ensuring cross-sector hydrogen integration and implementation of related technologies; and promotes joined initiatives in research & development activities.
- Amber Grid is a member of association INFOBALT. INFOBALT is the information, communication and technology sector association aiming to create the best conditions for application of technologies, market expansion and export. In cooperation with partners of this association Amber Grid develops a think tank cooperation platform of the energy, science and IT field EnergyTech, which brings together energy companies, scientific community and the most advanced and experienced IT and technology companies. The EnergyTech platform develops in three directions: the bank of innovative ideas and the centre of exportable competences; the area for like-minded professionals for an effective dialogue to promote innovations in the energy sector; the leader bringing together the local, regional and international community to ensure a sustainable energy of the future.
- Amber Grid joined the European hydrogen development initiative European Hydrogen Backbone. The members of the initiative devote their efforts to the creation of the vision of the hydrogen transportation infrastructure across Europe.