
Connection of consumers and gas system operators

This section is for Customers wishing to connect their systems to the transmission system and transport or consume natural gas (this section does not contain information for biogas producers, all relevant information related to the connection of biogas production facilities, biomethane inlet connections from gas carriers is available in the section For biomethane producers).

Connection of new natural gas systems to the existing transmission system is a service provided by the Lithuanian gas transmission system operator Amber Grid (hereinafter - TSO) to the Customer, i.e. the owner of the new gas system (gas consumer or gas system operator), whose gas system is being connected to the TSO system for the first time. TheCustomer shall also be deemed to be an existing consumer who wishes to increase its gas consumption (i.e. increase the capacity of the transmission system) to the extent that the existing capacity of the transmission system is no longer sufficient.

The connection service is provided on the basis of the concluded connection service contract. The TSO advises on all issues related to the connection of facilities to the transmission system:

The main documents governing the procedure for connection to the transmission system are as follows:

The TSO to whose operated transmission system the Customer’s system is connected (except for biogas production facilities, biomethane inlet connections) shall bear the economically reasonable costs of the system development and the connection of the Customer’s system, and the Customer shall bear the costs above the economically reasonable costs of connection. The calculation of the economically justified costs and the costs in excess thereof shall be carried out by the TSO in accordance with the Methodology for setting the fees and rates approved by the National Energy Regulatory Council.

In case the Customer’s future (up to 15 years) obligations to pay for the minimum transmission system capacity and transportable gas volumes have already been foreseen at the time of the issuance of the preliminary conditions for connection, the TSO shall be entitled to request the Customer to provide additional means of security for the fulfilment of its obligations.

Below is provided the basic information that is useful to know when preparing to connect natural gas production facilities to the gas transmission system. Click on the plus sign for more detailed information relevant to that step.

1. The Customer shall submit a standardised application for preliminary conditions for connection to Amber Grid by email to info@ambergrid.lt

Submission of an application:

  1. Site plan showing the preferred connection point.
  2. Extract from the basic data of the Register of Legal Entities issued by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers (only for legal entities) or extract from the basic data of the Register of Legal Entities issued by another authorised body, if the applicant is a person registered outside Lithuania.
  3. Proof of representation (if applicable).
  4. Completed interested party verificationquestionaire form.
  • Applications for the issuance of the preliminary conditions of connection should be sent to info@ambergrid.lt
  • If necessary, the TSO may request for clarification of the provided documents and data.
2. Amber Grid shall issue the preliminary conditions for connection

Issue of the preliminary conditions for connection:

  • The TSO shall examine the application and issue the Customer with the preliminary conditions for connection no later than 30 calendar days from the date of submission of all requested documents (if connection is available).
  • The connection point shall be selected by the TSO, taking into account the place of existing or planned facilities or construction/installation as specified in the Customer’s application.
  • The preliminary conditions for connection shall set out the technical and economic terms and conditions of the connection, including the cost of connecting the Customer’s system and the amount of the connection fee to be paid (if any), and the size and duration of the Customer’s obligations to order minimum transmission system capacities and transport gas volumes.
The preliminary conditions for connection issued by the TSO shall be valid for 12 months from the date of issue. A failure to agree on the preliminary conditions for connection with the TSO within the afore-mentioned period shall result in the Customer losing the right to apply for conclusion of a connection service agreement.
3. The Customer shall agree on the preliminary conditions for connection and submits an application for conclusion of a connection service agreement

Agreeing on the preliminary conditions for connection and application for of a connection service agreement:

  • The preliminary conditions for connection issued by the TSO shall be valid for 12 months from the date of issue, during the afore-mentioned period a connection service contract must be concluded if the preliminary conditions for connection are valid.
  • The Customer shall inform the TSO in writing of its acceptance of the proposed preliminary conditions for connection or provide comments on the proposed preliminary conditions for connection after having assessed the preliminary conditions for connection.
  • Once the preliminary conditions for connection have been agreed, the Customer shall submit a free form application for conclusion of a connection service contract and completed interested party verificationquestionaire form.
The connection service contract must be concluded within the period of validity of the preliminary conditions for connection, i.e. within 12 months from the issue of the preliminary conditions for connection. It is recommended that the Customer negotiates the final conditions for connection and applies to the TSO for the submission of a draft connection service contract in advance, at least a few months to the expiry of the issued preliminary conditions for connection. If it is not possible to conclude the contract during the period of validity of the preliminary conditions for connection, the Customer should apply (submit a standardised application) for new preliminary conditions for connection. The TSO shall reassess the situation, please note that the newly issued conditions may not be analogous to the previous ones.
4. Amber Grid shall submit a draft connection service Agreement, the agreement shall be signed

Submission of the draft connection service agreement, negotiation and signature of the connection service agreement

  • The TSO shall, within 60 calendar days from receipt of the Customer’s request, prepare and provide the Customer with a draft connection service agreement, which shall include the final conditions for connection;
  • Once the Customer and the TSO have agreed on the terms and conditions of the connection service agreement, the contract shall be signed;
  • The Customer shall pay a connection fee (covering the economically reasonable costs of the connection over and above the costs) if required.
5. Performance and completion of the connection agreement

Performance and completion of the connection service agreement

  • The preparation of the specific plan on the basis of which the easements and special conditions are established shall be organised and coordinated by the TSO.
  • The organisation and coordination of land use planning and change of use for individual (“point”) facilities (gas distribution stations - GDS, gas metering stations - GMS) shall be carried out by the TSO.
  • If necessary (depending on the parameters of the transmission system (pipeline) to be constructed and the specificities of the site), the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) shall be organised and coordinated by the TSO.
  • The design and construction works on the transmission system (procurement, selection of contractors, construction of the branch of the main gas pipeline and GDS (if necessary), including the preparation of the connection point for the connection of the Customer’s system) shall be organised and coordinated by the TSO.
  • The installation of access roads, power line(s) and other related infrastructure shall be organised and coordinated by the TSO.
  • The design and construction of the part of the Customer’s system to be connected shall in all cases be organised by the Customer.
  • The Customer shall install the Customer’s gas system in a timely and proper manner and prepare it for connection to the transmission system.
  • The Parties shall agree on a date for the interconnection of the systems.
  • The systems shall be constructed, connection of the systems occurs.
  • The Customer shall sign a transmission service agreement, order the transport services for the entire agreed commitment period in accordance with the terms and conditions of the connection service agreement.
  • The Customer shall fulfil the quantity and capacity commitments for the entire agreed period (up to 15 years), and pay an annual default fee if these are insufficient.
  • Where the Customer has fulfilled its continuing obligations to order capacity and transport quantities, the security shall be returned and the contract shall expire.
Self service