
Frequently asked questions

Self-Service questions
Login questions
How to Access to Self-Service?
After concluding of the Natural Gas Transmission Services Contract and an Agreement on the Right to Use the Electronic Transmission Service Booking and Administration System, a login account is created on Self-Service for the responsible persons appointed by the Network User. How to access to Self-Service can be found in the User's Manual.
Where should I apply for Access to Self-Service if I can't log in?
If you have the right to log in but cannot access the Self-Service, even when using the following web browsers: Google Chrome (v115+), Mozilla Firefox (v115+) or Microsoft Edge (v115+) with JavaScript enabled, please contact us 24/7 by phone at +37069907301 or by email at nominations@ambergrid.lt.
What should I do if the Self-Service system is not accessible?
If the self-service system is not accessible or you try to log in while the system is undergoing updates, please try again 15-30 minutes after the updates are complete. If the system remains inaccessible or you still cannot log in, please contact us 24/7 by phone at +37069907301 or by email at nominations@ambergrid.lt.
Capacity booking questions
Where to find capacity booking terms and deadlines?
Capacity booking terms and deadlines are determined in Chapter VII of the AB Amber Grid Rules for Access to the Natural Gas Transmission System.
Where and how to book capacity?
You can book capacity at all entry and exit points, except for Santaka and Kiemėnai IPs, via the Self-Service. Instructions on how to book capacity can be found in Chapter 4 of the User Manual.

Capacity at the Kiemėnai IP, together with the Latvian transmission system operator, is allocated on the Common Zone Platform.

Capacity at the Santaka IP, together with the Polish transmission system operator, is allocated on the GSA platform.
Where and how can I purchase/sell capacity on the secondary capacity market?
If you have signed a capacity purchase/sale contract on the secondary market with another Network User, both parties must register the transaction on the Self-Service under their accounts. Capacity purchase and sale transactions on the secondary market can be registered on the Self-Service at all entry and exit points (except Santaka IP and Kiemėnai IP). Instructions for this process can be found in Chapter 4.2 of the User Manual.

You can purchase/sell capacity at the Kiemėnai IP on the secondary capacity market on the Common Zone Platform.

You can purchase/sell at the Santaka IP on the secondary capacity market on the GSA platform.
Can capacity purchased on the primary market be surrendered by returning it to the market, and at which points?
The capacity booked on the primary market can be surrendered at entry/exit points between adjacent transmission systems and at the entry point from the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Terminal.

More information can be found in Chapter IX of the AB Amber Grid Rules for Access to the Natural Gas Transmission System. On the Self-Service, capacity can be surrendered only at the Klaipeda entry point.

You can surrender capacity purchased at the Kiemėnai IP on the Common Zone Platform.

You can surrender capacity purchased at the Santaka IP on the GSA platform GSA platform.
Can I cancel/correct wrongly booked/entered capacity on Self-Service? How can I do this?
If you made a mistake, chose the wrong entry or exit point, or entered the wrong quantity during capacity booking on the Self-Service, you can cancel/correct them only if they are still unconfirmed. To do this, log in via your Self-Service account, submit a new capacity request for the same period at the same point, and select the same capacity type. Enter zero in the requested and minimum quantity fields or enter the correct capacity quantity for the same point and period, then click Submit.

If that doesn't work, please contact us 24/7 by phone at +37069907301 or by email at nominations@ambergrid.lt.
Where can I see booked and transferred/purchased capacity?
You can see all booked and transferred capacities by logging into your account on the Self-Service.
Nomination questions
How to ensure that the nomination is correctly submitted, accepted and approved?
To ensure that the nomination has been correctly submitted, accepted, and approved, log in to your account on the Self-Service and check the status of the nomination and the confirmed quantity. When the nomination is approved by the operator, the "Status" column will display "Accepted," and the "Confirmed [kWh/d]" column will show the quantity. We recommend checking the status of the nomination and the confirmed quantity several times, as the nominations are matched with adjacent operators after submission, and the exact information will be displayed only after the processes are completed. The nomination matching procedure takes up to 2 hours from the start of the matching cycle.

If you have any doubts about submitting or approving a nomination, please contact us 24/7 by phone at +37069907301 or via email at nominations@ambergrid.lt.

More information about the statuses of the nomination can be found in Chapter 5.1 of the User Manual.
Why was the nomination not approved at the Kiemėnai connection point?
The nomination at the Kiemėnai connection point may be rejected due to a lack of hourly capacity. We recommend specifying hourly quantities in the submitted nomination that do not exceed the existing hourly capacity limits.
What to do if the Self-Service rejects the nomination?
If you log in using your Self-Service account and find that your submitted nomination has been rejected, we recommend checking the reason for the rejection. You can do this by reviewing the message next to the rejected nomination. After correcting any errors mentioned in the message, try submitting the nomination again.

If the reason provided doesn't clarify why your nomination was rejected, please contact us 24/7 +37069907301 or via email at nominations@ambergrid.lt.
Where can I see an overview of all nominations?
You can view nominations for the selected period by logging into your account on the Self-Service and selecting Nomination -> Nomination Overview from the Menu bar.
Can I authorize another counterparty to submit trade notifications (single-sided nomination) at the Virtual Trading Point (VTP) on behalf of both counterparties?
Market participants can authorize another counterparty to submit trade notifications (single-sided nominations at VTP) on behalf of both parties. Please refer to Chapter IX of the AB Amber Grid Rules for Natural Gas Transmission System Balancing.

For a counterparty to be able to submit trade notifications (single-sided nominations at VTP) for another counterparty on the Self-Service system, both parties must, by mutual agreement, inform the transmission system operator in writing which counterparty will submit trade notifications (single-sided nominations at VTP) and specify the deadline. This information should be sent by email to nominations@ambergrid.lt.

Otherwise, each counterparty must enter trade notifications (double-sided nominations at VTP) for the same transaction individually on the Self-Service system. For further details, refer to Chapter 5.2 of the User Manual.
Imbalance, forecast of non-daily read metering points
Where to find transmitted - allocated quantities and imbalance?
Transmitted - Allocated quantities and Imbalance position can be viewed on the Self-Service by logging into your account and selecting Settlement -> Allocation or Settlement -> Imbalance from the Menu bar.
Where to find the forecast of non-daily read metering points (obtained from Distribution system operator, AB (ESO))?
You can view the forecast of non-daily read metering points (obtained from ESO) on the Self-Service by logging into your account and selecting Settlement -> Forecast from the Menu bar.
Maintenance, UMM messages
Where to find information about transmission maintenance, UMM messages?
You can find information about transmission maintenance works and UMM messages (Urgent Market Messages) on the ENTSOG UMM platform.
Where is the consolidated maintenance works plan of Baltic - Finnish region announced?
The consolidated maintenance works plan for the Baltic - Finland region is announced on Amber Grid website.
Balancing questions
Can I transfer my balancing rights? How to do it?
You can transfer your balancing rights to another market participant by prior agreement with them.

A market participant transferring balancing responsibility must inform Amber Grid, of the transfer by submitting a notification of transfer of balancing responsibility. This notification, completed and signed by both parties — the market participant transferring the responsibility and the one assuming it — must be submitted no later than the 20th day of the month. The transfer of balancing responsibility will take effect on the first day of the month following the approval of the request by the transmission system operator.

The application for Balance Responsibility Transfer should be sent to nominations@ambergrid.lt and pardavimai@ambergrid.lt.

More information on the transfer of balancing rights, please refer to Chapter IV of the AB Amber Grid Rules for Natural Gas Transmission System Balancing.
Where to find imbalance data?
Imbalance data can be viewed on the Self-Service by logging into your account and selecting Settlement -> Imbalance from the Menu bar.
Neutrality charge questions
Why is the Neutrality Charge applied to each market participant?
The Transmission System Operator, AB Amber Grid, applies the neutrality charge to ensure the neutrality of balancing activities, aiming not to make a profit and to avoid losses.

The neutrality charge is applied to each market participant who off-takes gas at a domestic exit point and/or at a Lithuanian Virtual Trading Point (VTP).

More information about Neutrality charge can be found in Chapter VI of the AB Amber Grid Rules for Natural Gas Transmission System Balancing.
Where can I find the price of neutrality charge?
The price of neutrality charge is published on Amber Grid website.
Invoices and payments
When are VAT invoices submitted for gas transmission services and LNGT funds?
Amber Grid submits the VAT invoice for the transmission services and LNG funds provided during the reporting period to the Network user by the 7th calendar day following the reporting period.
When are VAT invoices submitted for balancing gas and neutrality charge?
Amber Grid submits the VAT invoice for balancing gas and neutrality charges by the 10th calendar day following the reporting period.
Where to find VAT invoices for gas transmission services, LNGT funds, balancing gas, and the neutrality charge?
VAT invoices for the provided transmission and balancing services are available on the Self-Service invoicing platform. We notify the responsible persons via email when the invoices are uploaded to the system.
Until when are payments due for transmission services and LNGT funds?
The submitted VAT invoices must be paid by the 14th calendar day of the month following the reporting period.
Until when are payments due for balancing gas and neutrality charge?
Charges for balancing gas and the neutrality charge, as per the submitted VAT invoices, must be paid by the 17th calendar day of the month following the reporting period.
Why is it useful for me to sign an agreement on the procedure for issuing VAT invoices for balancing gas?
After signing the agreement on the procedure for issuing VAT invoices for balancing gas, Amber Grid will have the right to issue a VAT invoice for balancing gas on your behalf.

If you have any questions, please contact us at +37069907301 or submit requests via email to pardavimai@ambergrid.lt.
What is the amount of penalty charges for late payment?
The penalty charges for late payment are calculated at 0.04 percent for each delayed day.
Why are penalty charges calculated on my VAT invoice?
Penalty charges are calculated when the submitted invoices are paid late, without complying with the established payment terms.
Gas transmission service contract conclusion questions
Where to find information about concluding a Natural Gas Transmission Service Contract?
Information on concluding a Natural Gas Transmission Service Contract is available on Amber Grid website.

If you have any questions, please contact us by phone at +37069907301 or submit requests via email to pardavimai@ambergrid.lt.
What are the stages of concluding a contract for natural gas transmission services?

More information can be found in Chapter VI of the AB Amber Grid Rules for Access to The Natural Gas Transmission System, and on Amber Grid website.
When and what appropriate collaterals are required for fulfilling the obligations of the Natural Gas Transmission Services Contract?
You must submit the appropriate collaterals to ensure the fulfillment of all obligations under the Natural Gas Transmission Services Contract and/or the Rules for Access to the AB Amber Grid Natural Gas Transmission System before entering the Natural Gas Transmission Services Contract.

The appropriate collaterals for fulfilling obligations are as follows:

-> Cash deposit for transmission services and / or imbalance and / or calculated security charge funds can be paid into the Amber Grid current account:

Account number: LT637300010133756781
Bank: AB Swedbank
Bank code: 73000


-> Guarantees from a bank or other credit institution.
Other questions
When can I start trading gas on the exchange?
To become a participant of the gas exchange and start trading gas on the exchange, you first need to enter a Natural Gas Transmission Services Contract with the transmission system operator Amber Grid, which establishes balancing conditions.

Information on how to conclude a Natural Gas Transmission Services Agreement can be found on our website. For any questions, please contact us by phone at +37069907301 or submit requests via email to pardavimai@ambergrid.lt.

For information on becoming a participant on the gas exchange, please contact the exchange operator UAB GET Baltic.
Who can trade gas at the Virtual Trading Point (VTP)?
All market participants holding a valid Natural Gas Transmission Service Agreement can trade (buy/sell) gas on the UAB GET Baltic exchange and buy gas at the Virtual Trading Point (VTP).

However, selling gas to another counterparty at the VTP is restricted to market participants who hold a supply license/permit issued by the National Energy Regulatory Council (NERC).

For more information on licenses / permits, please visit the NERC  website.
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Self service