
Incremental capacity

In accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/459 of 16 March 2017 establishing a network code on capacity allocation mechanisms in gas transmission systems, at least in each odd-numbered year, transmission system operators shall cooperate in the processes of assessing market demand for incremental capacity and of conducting technical studies for incremental capacity projects.
The incremental process starts with the demand assessment phase. At the beginning of this phase network users can submit non-binding demand indications.

Amber Grid announced a non-binding market demand assessment for incremental capacity. At the interconnection point between Lithuania and Latvia and interconnection point between Lithuania and Poland, TSO AB Amber Grid has not received non-binding demand indications for firm capacity for future periods. 

Incremental capacity assessment report at interconnection point between Lithuania and Latvia may be downloaded here.
Incremental capacity assessment report at interconnection point between Lithuania and Poland may be downloaded here.
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