

GIPL capacity will be allocated on the GSA Platform

The Polish GSA Platform Operator and Lithuanian gas transmission system operator AB Amber Grid concluded an agreement to allocate the capacities of the Interconnection Point Santaka via the GSA Platform. The capacities will be made available as a result of implementation of the GIPL project (Gas Interconnection Poland-Lithuania) and creation of a physical interconnection point on the Polish/Lithuanian border (the Entry/Exit Point Poland – Lithuania of the GIPL in both directions of the gas flow). 
The commissioning of the new interconnection point on the border between Poland and Lithuania (GIPL) is planned for 2022. The first annual capacity auctions of GIPL capacity are planned to be organised on the GSA Platform for the gas year 2022/2023 in July 2022, and in the following auction procedures which will be conducted in line with the requirements of the European Network Code on Capacity Allocation Mechanisms in gas transmission systems (Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/459 - CAM NC) and the ENTSOG capacity auctions calendar.
The first capacity allocated through the GSA Platform will be short-term products offered as of beginning of 2022 and shall depend on the final GIPL project commissioning date. The Lithuanian transmission system operator AB Amber Grid and the GSA Platform will inform market participants on the auction schedule in advance in 2021. 
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