

Transmission System Operators of Finnish-Baltic region have published the summary of the Consultation questionnaire responses concerning the Regional Gas Market Development

The Transmission System Operators (TSOs) Amber Grid, Conexus Baltic Grid, Elering and Gasgrid Finland have published the summary of the joint consultation questionnaire responses concerning the Regional Gas Market Development. 
You may find the summary of Regional Gas Market Development Consultation questionnaire responses here.
During Q4/2020 the TSOs have organized webinars and workshops concerning the market integration. The Market Design Webinar was the first of its kind organized by Gasgrid on 8th of October. In the webinar, the concepts and design aspects of market integration were introduced. Also, the case examples from the market where market integration has already been implemented were presented giving the view that the implementation of market integration can be done in many ways. After the Webinar, two interactive Regional Gas Market Development Workshops with involvement of all four TSOs were organized on 30th of October and 6th of November. In the Workshop #1, the TSOs presented the regional gas flow modelling results, the experiences of shippers operating in all three markets (FI market, EE-LV market and LT market) were shared and the definitions of common tariff zone and common balancing zone were presented. The Workshop #2 covered the topics on market management in a common balancing area. You can find materials and recordings of the workshops here.
After series of workshops, the TSOs organized a Consultation questionnaire which was open for opinions during the period of 18th of November until 8th of December. 11 responses were received, and the opinions will be used as a base for prioritizing future market development in the Finnish-Baltic gas market region and updating the joint market development roadmap. The TSOs shall organize a joint workshop during the Q1/2021 where the summary of consultation questionnaire responses will be presented. Also, the proposed development roadmap of the Finnish-Baltic region will be shared.
The TSOs of Finnish-Baltic region want to thank all market participants and stakeholders for participating the workshops and for giving valuable opinions to the topics covered. The customer-oriented approach in the Regional Gas Market Development work will be continued also next year! 
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