

The Importance of Gas Interconnection Poland–Lithuania Project Reaffirmed by the Market Participants

The Gas Interconnection Poland–Lithuania (GIPL) project promoters, the Polish and Lithuanian gas transmission system operators, GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and AB Amber Grid, have conducted the important milestone of the GIPL project implementation – the Non-Binding phase of the Open Season procedure.

The results achieved at this stage are estimated positively by the project promoters. Market participants – mainly Polish and Lithuanian natural gas supply companies – have indicated the active interest in the natural gas transmission services on contractual point GIPL. Other stakeholders have responded expressing their support for the project which will create additional benefits for the gas market participants in the Baltic region.

The Polish and Lithuanian gas transmission system operators will take into account above mentioned results when taking decisions on the optimal financing structure of the GIPL.

The GIPL project aims at the integration of the Baltic region gas markets into a single EU gas market, at the diversification of gas supply sources and at the enhancement of the security of gas supplies.


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