

Revenue of Amber Grid reached EUR 68.6 million and investments – EUR 45.8 million in 2021

Gas transmission system operator Amber Grid together with its subsidiary GET Baltic according to pre-audited data, in 2021 earned EUR 68.6 million in consolidated income, which is 31% more than in 2020. A higher income level was affected by cold winter and cool spring of 2021 as well as the changed structure of transmission flows, which led to a more intense transportation through points with higher transmission service prices.

The company’s consolidated net profit was EUR 23.2 million during the reporting period and company’s profit before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) was EUR 35.4 million. Amber Grid’s investments in the gas transmission network in 2021 totalled EUR 45.8 million. Most of the investments was made in the project of the GIPL gas interconnection between Poland and Lithuania completed in December of 2021.
“Colder weather conditions and the electricity market situation led to Lithuania consuming more gas than planned for heat and electricity production. Under the applicable regulation, the higher than the permitted level of natural gas transmission revenue earned by the operator will be reimbursed to customers in future periods. High natural gas prices in recent periods have had an impact on higher revenues and also costs in providing system balancing services,” says Nemunas Biknius, CEO of Amber Grid.
During 2021, 26 terawatt-hours (TWh) of natural gas was transported to consumers in Lithuania, the Baltic region and Finland, excluding gas transmission to the Königsberg region, of which 24 TWh of gas was used in Lithuania (which is 4% less than in 2020) and almost 2 TWh was used in the other Baltic States and Finland (which is 76% less than in 2020). 
In 2021, 62% of the total amount of gas injected for consumers in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland (16.3 TWh) was delivered from the Klaipėda LNG terminal. 12% of gas was transported via the gas interconnection from Latvia to the Lithuanian gas transmission system (3.2 TWh) and 26% (6.8 TWh) - from Belarus.
Gas transportation from Belarus through Lithuania to the Königsberg region totalled 26.7 TWh in 2021 and was 7.2% higher than in 2020, when 24.9 TWh of gas was transmitted in transit to this region.
In total, almost 53 TWh of natural gas was transported via the Lithuanian gas transmission system operated by Amber Grid in 2021.
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