Customers and partners are invited to register for the webinar on the eve of the start of commercial activities at Santaka IP (Interconnection Point between Poland and Lithuania) on the 12th of April, 13:30 to 16:30 EEST (12:30 – 15:30 CEST).
The GIPL (Gas Interconnection Poland-Lithuania) primarily aims at the establishment of a bi-directional gas transmission pipeline linking the natural gas transmission systems of Poland and Lithuania, allowing for eliminating so-called energy islands, i.e. regions being so far not integrated with the EU energy market such as Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, as well as Finland. In addition to SoS function, implementation of GIPL intends to significantly support development of competitive energy market in the Baltic region and contribute to the process of regional gas market integration.
The gas interconnector between Poland and Lithuania will start commercial operations on 1st May. The initial capacities in both directions will be offered to be booked in April 2022 at the GSA capacity booking platform (GSA Platform).
Therefore, both TSOs would like to introduce you to the procedure for booking and participating in the auction procedure at Santaka IP, the functions of the GSA auction platform, as well as information on how to become a shipper, and other important issues concerning the commercial operation of GIPL.
Agenda of the webinar
GIPL introduction.
Gas market in Lithuania/Poland – general information.
How to become shippers in Lithuania/Poland.
How to register at the GSA Platform.
How to book the capacity.
Offer level.
Q&A session.
Timing of the webinar
The webinar will be organized on April 12 from 13:30 to 16:30 EEST (12:30 – 15:30 CEST).
Please be informed that the webinar will be held in English.
The participants who intend to attend in Webinar should register
here until the 8th of April.
The registered participants on the 11th of April will receive a link for the webinar, which will be held via the MS Teams platform.
Looking forward to Your participation!