

Public consultation on Amber Grid tariffs’ methodology and indicative 2022-2023 tariffs

Considering that in 2022 the Lithuania-Poland gas interconnection (GIPL) point will be commissioned, the National Energy Regulatory Council (LT NRA), on 16 December 2020, published the second document for the public consultation (the first one was carried out in 2019) on the reference price methodology for determining the tariffs of services provided by the Lithuanian natural gas transmission system operator AB Amber Grid for year 2022 (also the forecast of transmission tariffs for the last year of regulatory period 2023 is provided). 
The consultation is carried out based on European Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/460 of 16 March 2017 establishing a network code on harmonised transmission tariff structures for gas (TAR NC), both Art. 26 of TAR NC (Periodic consultation, covering reference price methodology, tariffs and their derivation, and mandatory to be repeated at least every 5 years) and Art. 28 (Consultation on discounts, multipliers and seasonal factors).
The document of public consultation, tariff models are available here
Final decision on tariffs will be adopted by the LT NRA after assessing comments and proposals to be received from the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) by May 31st 2021.
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