

National Energy Regulatory Council approved the new versions of the Rules for Access to the Natural Gas Transmission System and the Rules for Natural Gas Transmission System Balancing


National Energy Regulatory Council (NERC) has approved a new versions of Amber Grid Rules for Access to the Natural Gas Transmission System and Amber Grid Natural Gas Transmission System Balancing Rules on 29th December 2021. The rules can be downloaded below:
Substantial amendments to Amber Grid Rules for Access to the Natural Gas Transmission System:
  • the GIPL capacity will be allocated through the Polish capacity booking platform on the dates set out in the auction calendar, and the network users intending to transport gas through the GIPL are obliged to conclude an agreement with the platform operator;
  • Hourly nominations to be submitted at the GIPL point, and GIPL capacity will be allocated as hourly capacity (kWh/hour) (both capacity and nominations are made for each hour of the day);
  • capacity will be booked for all hours of the day (or for the remaining hours in the case of within day capacity). There is no possibility to book capacity for a specific hour;
  • to submit single-sided quantity nominations at the GIPL point, which will be collected by GAZ-SYSTEM;
  • Gas produced from renewable energy sources can be injected into the system - a virtual entry point for green gas;
  • all network users will be required to provide collaterals for the fulfilment of obligations, with a minimum amount of the collaterals for the fulfilment of obligations reaching EUR 25,000, with the exemption of operators of distribution and other gas systems interconnected to the transmission system, and undertakings regulated by NERC, other than gas supply companies and which are not state-owned companies;
  • the gas year will start on 1st of October (the transitional gas year 2022 will run from 1st of January to 1st of October).
  • Nominations at the domestic exit point will be abandoned.
  • Two domestic exit points (no price differentiation based on the volume of gas transported per year).
  • The network users will be exempted from payment for firm transmission capacity when the duration of the maintenance exceeds 14 days per year.
Substantial amendments to Amber Grid Rules for Natural Gas Transmission System Balancing Rules:
  • The possibility to transfer balancing responsibilities to another network user will be introduced. 
  • The neutrality charged will be calculated
  • Instead of the supply schedules currently provided by the supply companies, it is foreseen that both parties to a gas sale and purchase transaction will provide trade notifications.
  • The trade notifications must be submitted no later than 30 minutes before the end of the gas day (there is no possibility to revise the data after the end of the gas day, i.e., no "previous day's product” remains).
The new versions of the Rules will apply from 1st March 2022.
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