

Market consultation of the interconnection agreement between Amber Grid and GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.

The and Lithuanian and Polish transmission system operators – Amber Grid and Operator Gazociągów Przesyłowych GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. intend to conclude an interconnection agreement regarding the gas transmission through SANTAKA interconnection point, which will connect the gas transmission systems of Poland and Lithuania after the construction of a new cross-border gas pipeline.
According to the Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/703 of 30 April 2015 establishing a network code on interoperability and data exchange rules, both TSO’s shall invite the network users to comment on the proposed text of:
1) rules for the matching process,
2) rules for the allocation of gas quantities,
3) communication procedures in case of exceptional events.
It is important to note that matching rules for nominations will be applied for hourly gas quantities at the Santaka interconnection point.
All market participants are invited to submit their comments and questions by sending them to the e-mail address: consultation@ambergrid.lt and instrukcja@gaz-system.pl. This consultation will run from 27th April 2021 until 30th June 2021. 
After the consultation, GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and AB Amber Grid will evaluate the responses received during the consultation and take the network users’ comments into account when concluding abovementioned interconnection agreement.
More information on the consultation can be found here.
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