
Nordic-Baltic Hydrogen Corridor Project

Last updated 2024-09-11

In the Baltic Sea region and at EU level, it is important to cooperate with neighbouring countries to increase the security of hydrogen supply in the region and to coordinate transmission, storage, import and export activities. International cooperation and the implementation of joint projects are important to ensure the development of technologies and the introduction of best practices.

Amber Grid is participating in the Nordic-Baltic Hydrogen Corridor, an international project aimed at connecting the green energy production regions in Northern Europe to the main consumption centres in Central Europe. This project is expected to be completed by 2030.

In June 2024 a pre-feasibility study was completed, in which European and regional energy policies were analyzed and provided specific answers on the potential for the production and consumption of green and low-carbon hydrogen. The drafters of the study made recommendations on the scope of the project, the possible pipeline route, hydrogen storage, financing possibilities, timing and risk management. The results of the study are of major importance for the region as a whole, which is currently actively seeking to develop a hydrogen infrastructure between Finland through the Baltic States to central Europe.

The European gas transmission system operators involved in the project are Gasgrid Vetyverkot (Finland), Elering (Estonia), Conexus Baltic Grid (Latvia), Amber Grid (Lithuania), GAZ-SYSTEM (Poland) and ONTRAS (Germany).

The Nordic and Baltic region provides significant renewable hydrogen potential identified within the pre-feasibility study at the amount of approx. 27.1 million tons (Mt) of renewable hydrogen production (based on combined onshore and offshore wind and solar) by 2040. This creates a large hydrogen market creation and export potential towards continental Europe which the NBHC aims to address. 

By 2040, the corridor is projected to transport up to 2.7 million tons (Mt) of renewable hydrogen annually between the countries. The pre-feasibility study indicated that the NBHC can be one of the first operational cross-border hydrogen pipelines in Europe. The NBHC pipeline is planned to be 48 inches (1,200 mm) in diameter, with several compressor stations and spanning approximately 2,500 km.  

The corridor could reduce carbon emissions by up to 37 million tons of CO2 equivalent per year by 2050. NBHC will enhance energy security and supply diversity in the region and Europe, connecting indigenous renewable hydrogen production to existing and new demand centers​, as well as contribute to the decarbonization of hard-to-abate sectors. 

Hydrogen is expected to become one of the main forms of energy in Europe as the EU Member States undergo dynamic changes linked to energy transformation and economic decarbonisation. It will strengthen the EU's energy security, reduce dependence on imported fossil energy and play an important role in reducing the dependence of energy-intensive European industries on imported fossil fuels. In addition, the project will make a significant contribution to the EU's greenhouse gas emission reduction target by helping to replace the use of fossil fuels in the industrial, transport and energy sectors with renewable and low-carbon fuels, i.e. hydrogen produced from electricity.

Moving forward, based on the pre-feasibility study results the TSOs now plan to commence work on the feasibility study covering the project‘s detailed technical analysis, commercial and economic assessment as well as the detailed implementation timeline of the Nordic-Baltic Hydrogen Corridor.

The key messages from the pre-feasibility study attached.

If you have additional questions related to hydrogen, please contact us by email: hydrogen@ambergrid.lt

More information:

Lina Rudzianskienė, l.rudzianskiene@ambergrid.lt
Dovilė Binkevičienė, d.binkeviciene@ambergrid.lt 


Gas transmission operators complete Nordic-Baltic Hydrogen Corridor pre-feasibility study

Pre-Feasibility Study for the Nordic-Baltic Hydrogen Corridor has been launched | Amber Grid

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