

EPSO-G, Amber Grid, Litgrid, and Tetas allocated over EUR 100,000 for scholarships for future energy professionals


Investing in the most in-demand future specialities, Amber Grid, Litgrid, and Tetas, companies belonging to the energy group EPSO-G, have signed a cooperation agreement with Lithuanian universities and have allocated more than EUR 100,000 for scholarships for engineering students. The aim of this step is to address the issue of attracting specialists needed for the transformation of the Lithuanian energy sector. Companies estimate that the need for energy engineering specialists will more than triple by 2030.

On 12 July, four companies signed a cooperation agreement with Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VILNIUS TECH), Kaunas University of Technology, Klaipėda University, Kaunas Technical College, and Panevėžys College.

The agreement includes EUR 103,000 of support allocated by the companies to educational institutions, providing long-term scholarships for engineering students and sharing best practices and other measures to encourage greater student involvement in the activities of the companies. Under the agreement, engineering students will receive monthly scholarships for three years.

“In recent years, Lithuania has been undergoing an energy transformation and a renewable energy breakthrough, with both the state and business investing billions in green energy and energy saving solutions. Lithuania is currently leading the region in terms of innovation and sustainable energy development. However, we see a risk that if we do not take timely measures to attract young people into engineering studies, we will face a shortage of professional staff in the near future. That is why we are investing and contributing to the training of important professionals for the future in order to achieve the ambitious goals we have set for Lithuania’s energy sector,” says Algirdas Juozaponis, Acting CEO of EPSO-G.

Specialists are recruited at lightning speed

The demand for engineering specialists is huge and energy companies are pointing out that there is already a shortage.

“Over the past year, we have been looking for new staff intensively as part of the synchronisation process and to facilitate the development of renewable energies. We are addressing the talent shortage by providing professional development opportunities for our employees, attracting people from the market, and by recruiting final year students to help them integrate into the organisation and apply the knowledge they have acquired during their studies. By cooperating with universities and constantly exchanging knowledge and practical tasks, we aim to create opportunities for effective application of the knowledge gained during studies and to prepare professionals who will easily integrate into the labour market and contribute to the development of energy of the future,” says Rokas Masiulis, CEO of Litgrid.

According to the education institutions that signed the cooperation agreement, engineering specialities are currently very promising and companies are snatching up employees. The vast majority of engineering graduates get a job as soon as they finish their studies.

“The demand for engineers is demonstrated by one simple indicator: the remuneration paid in the market. It now ranges between EUR 1,200 for entry-level and EUR 2,500 for experienced professionals. For example, it would be difficult to find available solar power plant installers at the moment because everyone is busy. This is because traditional energy is being replaced by new forms of energy: new solar and wind farms are springing up in large numbers. We are preparing for another major milestone when green gas—biomethane and hydrogen—will be delivered through pipelines. Renewable energy is increasingly based on innovation and information technology rather than “iron”. Energy is also one of the key tools for mitigating climate change. We are focusing on CO2 reduction and the decarbonisation of the economy. All this is a very broad, meaningful and promising activity that should definitely interest today’s young people,” says Nemunas Biknius, CEO of Amber Grid.

The success of the energy transformation will depend on the education of talented, innovative, creative and driven individuals. “An energy engineer is a person who can solve any problem in the energy sector and foresee future solutions for the further development of the sector. The next generation of energy engineers will face real challenges as the world moves towards green energy and circular economy. By choosing energy engineering, students can become the creators of energy of the future, as they learn technologies and solutions that leap forward several years,” says Sonata Tolvaišienė, Professor, Doctor, and Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering at VILNIUS TECH.

Under the cooperation agreement, scholarships from energy companies will be awarded to the most motivated students in electrical engineering, renewable energy, automation engineering, mechanical engineering, electronic engineering, electronic and electrical engineering, energy of buildings, electrical and automotive engineering, and electromechanics.

The energy sector is increasingly focusing on educational institutions to promote the study of energy engineering and electrical engineering. This year, energy companies contributed more than EUR 250,000 for student scholarships. “EPSO-G Group contributed EUR 103,000 and Ignitis Group allocated EUR 150,000 for the promotion of engineering specialities. For more information on the support and assistance provided by energy companies to students, please visit energysmartstart.lt.


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