

Commentary on the establishment of the Lithuanian Hydrogen Platform

The Lithuanian gas transmission system operator Amber Grid has joined the Lithuanian Hydrogen Platform established by the Ministry of Energy with 19 Lithuanian organisations. Understanding its role in creating the conditions for the decarbonisation of the Lithuanian energy sector and adapting the transmission system to the transportation of green gas, Amber Grid is actively involved in hydrogen research and development activities in Lithuania and abroad. 
'With the adoption of the European Green Deal and the announcement of a number of EU hydrogen strategies, we see that hydrogen is becoming an essential element in changing the concept of energy. Therefore, Europe and Lithuania are concentrating on the development of ideas in order to create conditions for the production, storage and transportation of green hydrogen, which can make a significant contribution to climate change mitigation. Cooperation between energy companies, public authorities, scientists, equipment manufacturers and consumers is crucial for a successful transition to a hydrogen-based economy. The role of the National Hydrogen Platform will be relevant in creating the ecosystem of the Lithuanian hydrogen sector. 
The current infrastructure and the infrastructure currently under development must be used optimally for the transformation of green energy. One of the main ways of transporting green hydrogen will be the gas network, so we are already involved in research, standard-setting and other activities. The Lithuanian gas system adapted to the new needs will be suitable for transportation of both hydrogen and biomethane. We believe that in the future, Lithuania will be seen not only as a transit or energy importing country, but also as an exporter of green gas,” says Nemunas Biknius, CEO of Amber Grid. 
Since autumn 2020, Amber Grid has been participating in the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance. The operator is currently analyzing the application of Power-to-Gas technology to extract hydrogen and transfer it to the gas grid. Preliminary results show a high potential to use the existing gas infrastructure to transmit hydrogen or synthetic gas, to integrate and balance large amounts of renewable energy. Cooperation with transmission system operators from other Baltic countries and Finland was launched this year: a joint research is planned on gas quality and technical application of systems to the hydrogen mixture. At the same time, initiatives to develop standards for hydrogen will be coordinated.
Hydrogen solves the problem of green energy storage. With the growth of electricity production from renewable energy sources and the accumulation of surplus energy in the grid and in the presence of seasonal fluctuations in consumption, it is necessary to ensure a stable and balanced energy system. By converting the excess energy into green hydrogen and injecting it into the gas system, the energy can be stored in gaseous form and, if necessary, electricity or heat can be produced from it. 
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