

Amber Grid to participate in the activities of the Lithuanian Hydrogen Energy Association

In order to accelerate the use of hydrogen in the energy sector, the Lithuanian gas transmission system operator Amber Grid has joined the Lithuanian Hydrogen Energy Association. The association, which unites the country’s scientists and business organisations, promotes the development of hydrogen technologies in the country and seeks transparent and efficient regulation of hydrogen energy. 
“Lithuania’s green energy goals encourage us to open up our engineering, market knowledge and infrastructure potential to this form of renewable energy and to develop and implement ideas for green hydrogen production, transportation and market development. Environmentally friendly green hydrogen can be extracted using electricity produced from renewable sources. European countries, as well as Lithuania, plan to develop offshore wind farms, so if we make the right decisions, we can become green hydrogen producers in ten years’ time. Therefore, we plan to adapt the country’s gas transmission system for hydrogen transportation. Concentrated cooperation between scientists, state institutions, energy companies, equipment manufacturers and consumers is important for this transformation, which determines the future of Lithuanian energy, in order to make the best use of the emerging opportunities,” says Nemunas Biknius, CEO of Amber Grid. 
Membership in the Lithuanian Hydrogen Energy Association will provide greater impetus in cooperation with stakeholders seeking to develop green hydrogen production, supply to gas networks and legal regulation of these activities. Participation in the association is also beneficial in increasing competencies in the field of renewable hydrogen. 
According to Nemunas Biknius, Amber Grid is already analysing the possibilities of adapting the Lithuanian gas transmission system to the transportation of green gas, including hydrogen. “We will soon start assessing changes in gas transmission and distribution systems so that in the future we can adapt the network to the transportation of green gas and the use of hydrogen and natural gas mixtures,” says Mr. Biknius.
European examples show that the developed and newly developing gas infrastructure can be optimally used for the transformation of green energy. The GIPL gas connection currently being installed between Lithuania and Poland has been planned to ensure security of gas supply and diversify the gas markets of the Baltic States and Finland. However, looking to the future, it is clear that the GIPL could also become a channel for green energy exports to Northwest Europe.
In November 2020, Amber Grid joined the Lithuanian Hydrogen Platform established by the Ministry of Energy, and a little earlier, in the autumn, it became a member of the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance. The operator is currently analysing the application of Power-to-Gas technology to extract hydrogen and transfer it to the gas grid. 
Hydrogen solves the problem of green energy storage. With the growth of electricity production from renewable energy sources and the accumulation of surplus energy in the grid and in the presence of fluctuations in consumption, it is necessary to ensure a stable and balanced energy system. By converting the excess energy into green hydrogen and injecting it into the gas system, the energy can be stored in gaseous form and, if necessary, electricity or heat can be produced from it.
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