

Amber Grid to become an electricity producing consumer using solar energy for its own needs

Amber Grid, the Lithuanian gas transmission system operator, will become a solar energy producing consumer and will produce almost one half of the electricity for own needs from renewable energy sources (RES). The company intends to install in its territory solar power plants totalling approx. 1400 kW by the autumn of 2021. Permits to develop electricity generating capacities were issued by the National Energy Regulatory Council.

‘By installing solar power plants and becoming energy producing consumers, we contribute to Lithuania‘s strategic objective to increase the share of renewable sources in the country’s energy system during the coming decade. In this way we will also halve the costs of electricity used in our operations. This is also beneficial for our clients as prices of the gas transmission services will be reduced as well’, says Nemunas Biknius, Acting CEO of Amber Grid.
Solar energy will be generated at three Amber Grid‘s facilities situated in the outskirts of Vilnius (Gudelių Street), Jauniūnai gas compressor station in Širvintos district, and the Piniava gas compressor station near Panevėžys town. In the latter two facilities, power plants 500 kW each will be constructed, whereas the capacity of power plant of the one in Vilnius will be up to 415 kW. Electricity generated at the solar power plants will be used for the needs of these facilities. The solar modules will be installed on the roofs of the buildings and on the ground in production areas.
Amber Grid’s facilities such as gas compressor, gas distribution and gas accounting stations consume on average approx. 3 GWh of electricity per year. The installation of the solar power plants and generation of green energy for own needs will enable the company to halve its electricity costs.
It is estimated that, after the installation of solar power plants, approx. 1.3 GWh of green electricity will be generated for the company‘s needs every year. This will account for approx. 40% of the company’s needs. An investment project financed by own funds provides for reserving a land plot in the territory of the Panevėžys gas compressor station for the construction of one more solar power plant up to 815 kW in the future.
Installation of solar power plants is not the first project initiated by Amber Grid as a contribution to the promotion of the green energy development. In 2019, the company has established and manages a national register of origin guarantees for gas produced from renewable sources. The system of guarantees of origin allows identification, registration and monitoring of gas produced from RES.
Jauniūnai gas compressor station


Self service