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Amber Grid launched generation of green electricity from solar power plants

Lithuanian gas transmission system operator Amber Grid installed 450 kilowatt (kW) solar power plant and started producing green electricity for the needs of the gas network. By the end of the year, Amber Grid will have own solar power plants of 1.5-megawatt (MW) capacity in total in its territory, which will help to cut down electricity expenses of the company by approximately 50 per cent. 
Having become a producing consumer and installed solar power plants on the buildings in the company's territory and the land plot, Amber Grid provides the main system object owned by the company at the outskirts of Vilnius, on Gudeliai street, with renewable electricity. When the solar power plant starts operating, the solar power plant generated over 140-megawatt hour electricity enabling the company to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by over 74 tons. 
'The system of gas pipelines and all the objects belonging to it consume significant amount of electricity per year, therefore investment into own solar energy generation pays back. Besides, having started producing solar energy, we already witness the electricity produced from renewable resources reducing CO2 emissions significantly and contributing to the achievement of climate change mitigation goals and renewable energy development in Lithuania. In the future, the contribution will continue growing, since we plan to instal power plants of 1 MW capacity in our two other objects by the end of the year', said Chief Executive Officer of Amber Grid Nemunas Biknius.  
Objects controlled by Amber Grid, such as compressor stations, gas distribution and accounting stations consume approximately 3-gigawatt hours (GWh) electricity per year, on average. Installation of all three solar power plants and green energy production for own needs will make cutting down electricity expenses by around half possible.
Two more solar power plants of 1 MW capacity in the territories of the gas compressor stations in Jauniūnai and Panevėžys are planned to start generating electricity by the end of this year. All solar power plants of Amber Grid will be able to produce nearly 40 per cent of electricity consumed by the company in total. 
Excess electricity generated on sunny days will be transmitted to Energijos skirstymo operatorius (Energy Distribution Operator – ESO) for storage, enabling optimisation of the costs of produced and consumed energy and consumption of excess energy when needed. The latest technology of double-sided solar modules and sun tracking system for a part of the power plant were chosen for the implementation of the project.
Upon implementation of the project of installation of solar power plants, Amber Grid will become an energy producing consumer and contribute to the strategic choice of Lithuania to increase the share of renewable energy resources in the energy system.