

Amber Grid begins reconstruction of the pipeline of regional significance of the estimated value of 8,1 million EUR

Amber Grid starts works of reconstruction of the sections of the international gas pipeline Vilnius-Panevėžys-Riga that stretch to the Lithuanian-Latvian border. A contract with the company MT Group was signed for the reconstruction of the pipeline. The total value of the project amounts to 8,1 million EUR (VAT exclusive), half of the funds were allocated from the European Union Structural Funds. Works of the reconstruction of the pipeline are expected to last until the end of the year.

Not only a part of the route between Lithuania and Latvia, that is important for international gas flows, will be newly assembled during the reconstruction of the pipeline, but also modern technologies will be adapted - gas pipeline will be equipped with innovative corrosion rate sensors for remote monitoring of the pipeline condition. 
“The gas pipeline is underground. Exposure to environmental factors causes its ageing.  New technological solutions extend the lifetime of the infrastructure used, and most importantly, ensure the security and reliability of our system. The pipeline between Vilnius and Riga is important for ensuring reliable gas flows in the regional market. The fact that the European Union also contributes to the funding of the project stresses the importance of these investments“, says Andrius Dagys, the Technical Director of Amber Grid.
During the project, 14 km of the gas pipeline, located in Pasvalys district, near the Latvian border, will be renewed. The total length of the international gas pipeline, that was constructed more than 30 years ago, in Lithuania is 170 km. It is one of the main gas supply strands in the whole Baltic region. This gas pipeline transports gas to and from Inčukalns Underground Gas Storage in Latvia. The gas is also supplied to meet the needs of the Baltic States and Lithuania. 
Careful monitoring of the pipeline condition is required to ensure safe use of the pipeline. Amber Grid performs on a lasting basis diagnostics of the pipeline. The inspection of this pipeline revealed defects that had to be eliminated. Narrowing of the pipe walls occurs as a consequence of environmental exposure, and gas can enter the environment through the leaking pipeline. Anti-corrosion protection of the pipelines ensures the safety, reliability and tightness of the pipeline system.
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