

Amber Grid starts hydrogen transportation activities: aims to become Lithuanian hydrogen grid...

Amber Grid starts hydrogen transportation activities: aims to become Lithuanian hydrogen grid operator

Amber Grid, the Lithuanian gas transmission system operator, is starting hydrogen transport activities, developing hydrogen-related projects and aims to become Lithuania's hydrogen infrastructure operator as part of its contribution to a sustainable Lithuania. This will allow timely integration into the European green hydrogen transport network currently under development.

"We are entering a new phase of our activities: in addition to the transmission of natural gas and biomethane through main gas pipelines, Amber Grid will also engage in green hydrogen transport activities, i.e. it will develop a separate pure hydrogen transport network. This will allow it to eventually obtain a hydrogen operator licence and become part of the European hydrogen network. Green hydrogen is already seen as a significant future energy source. As Lithuania and Europe work together towards the common goal of generating only renewable energy by 2050, it is important that all participants in the energy sector take action to enable the green transformation," says Nemunas Biknius, CEO of Amber Grid. 

In the future, hydrogen produced from renewable electricity and its products, synthetic gases and fuels, will be a crucial element of decarbonisation in the industrial, transport and energy sectors. This will lead to a significant reduction in the use of fossil fuels and environmental pollution. Hydrogen and its derivatives are expected to be used in fertiliser production, petroleum refining, the metals industry, transport, flexible power generation and other areas. Hydrogen, produced by renewable electricity from the splitting of water into hydrogen and oxygen molecules, will also be important for the long-term storage of renewable energy from solar and wind and for balancing the electricity system.

Amber Grid has created an Energy Transformation Centre to accelerate the development of hydrogen transport activities. Its specialists are responsible for the development of the hydrogen gas transport network and market, and the adaptation of the existing gas transmission system to the transport of the gas-hydrogen mixture. They will also ensure the development of the Green Gas Guarantee Register and the creation of the necessary partnerships to enable energy transformation.

"The Energy Transformation Centre is responsible for providing technical advice, ensuring the documentation and traceability of green gas under the Guarantee of Origin, the implementation of pilot and other projects, studies, and the necessary investments. We are already working with international partners to develop and interconnect hydrogen grids on a European scale and to connect neighbouring countries through hydrogen corridors," says Danas Janulionis, Head of the Energy Transformation Centre of Amber Grid.

The Centre's tasks include communicating with potential green hydrogen producers and consumers and other interested parties, developing infrastructure projects, solving technical challenges, and participating in the creation of hydrogen valleys. The Centre also plans to carry out research on hydrogen production from renewable electricity, with solutions to ensure the flexibility of the electricity system and to provide other services to the electricity sector. Studies are also planned to analyse the feasibility and prospects for the production of synthetic gases and synthetic fuels from hydrogen and carbon dioxide.

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