

Amber Grid restored damaged gas pipeline in Pasvalys district, nearby gas pipeline sections to be inspected

Gas transmission system operator Amber Grid have replaced a section of a gas pipeline damaged in an incident in Pasvalys district. During the work, which lasted until Sunday morning, the damaged ten-metre-long pipeline was cut out, a new section was installed and the installation seams were X-rayed. Other sections of the pipeline close to the incident site are currently being further inspected. Once all the inspection work has been completed, the gas supply will be restored through the restored pipeline.

Preparations are currently underway at the incident site for the inspection of the nearby sections of the pipeline. The intensive work will be carried out this evening around 20-21 pm, so we are asking for understanding of local residents of possible increased noise during the work.

The causes of the incident on Friday evening will be clarified during the investigations of the law enforcement authorities, the National Energy Regulatory Council (NERC) and the Amber Grid Expert Commission. According to the company's preliminary assessment, the incident was caused by technical reasons.

"I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the officers of the special services who acted very promptly and professionally to protect the local population, and later on to eliminate the consequences of the incident - firefighters, police officers, and the heads of the local self-government. We are providing all investigating authorities with all the information we know about the incident. We are in contact with the landowner on whose land the incident occurred to seek compensation for damages. We are also grateful to the resident who reported the incident," said Nemunas Biknius, CEO of Amber Grid.

According to him, incidents of this kind in the gas transmission systems are rare. "We regularly carry out inspections and internal diagnostics of gas pipelines with reliable devices that record precise parameters. We follow international rules and practices, comply with rules and requirements in Lithuania. However, gas pipelines are potentially hazardous installations around the world, and care must be taken when in their vicinity. Once the causes of the incident have been investigated, we will assess the possibility of improving the maintenance of gas pipelines to ensure that such incidents do not happen again," said Mr Biknius.

The incident on Friday was localised within 4 hours on the pipeline that supplies gas to Northern Lithuania and Latvia. No people were injured in the incident. The gas supply through the damaged pipeline was immediately cut off and the fire burned until the gas in the pipeline section was burnt out. Specialists started the restoration of the damaged pipeline after the site had been inspected by the investigating law enforcement authorities and the work had been authorised.

The gas transmission system at the site of the incident consists of two parallel gas pipelines running towards Latvia. The incident occurred on one of them, while the other pipeline was not damaged. The gas supply to Pasvalys district and other consumers in Northern Lithuania was ensured through a parallel pipeline. Gas supplies to Latvia were also restored the same evening.

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