

Amber Grid has launched new website in line the ecobranding movement and with detailed gas transmission data

Following the update of Amber Grid’s logo and visual identity a year ago, work has been steadily progressing on the development of the company’s new website. The visual features representing the company have been updated in line with the ecobranding movement, using earth tones and muted colours that require fewer resources to reproduce in digital space. This principle was also applied to the design of the company’s new website. This change was also aimed at improving the security of the website and improving the experience of customers looking for information and data on the activities of the transmission system operator. 

“Our aim in designing the new website was to meet the needs of a modern society that increasingly values energy and resource efficiency and digital content. We hope that the new website will serve as an interactive tool for effective communication with customers and the public, and that Amber Grid will be recognisable through a modern, unified and aesthetically pleasing website design as well as user-friendly structure and navigation. We aim to provide a clearer and more transparent presentation of Amber Grid’s activities,” says Laura Šebekienė, Head of Communications of the company.

The updated website features a Microsoft Power BI data module and a data export tool, allowing to view up-to-date and historical five-year old data on gas transmission flows at international gas system points, Lithuanian gas consumption data on a daily, monthly and annual basis, and gas quality data at international and domestic Lithuanian gas entry and exit points. The gas price calculator for business customers is also more convenient to use. The open data section of the website is planned to be further improved and more of the data collected by the transmission system operator, which could provide additional value to customers and the public, will be integrated.

 For those who want to get a better overview of the company’s key performance indicators, all the most important reports on the company are available in one place: annual reports and financial results, sustainability reports and payroll reports. 

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