
Market Survey on the Need for Mixing Green Hydrogen with Gas

Amber Grid plans to develop a network for transporting pure green hydrogen (hereinafter referred to as H2) in Lithuania, i.e., pipelines between hydrogen producers and consumers in Lithuania and connections with other countries.

The development of H2 infrastructure in Lithuania will be important for the decarbonization of the economy and ensuring energy independence. The first solutions for the pure H2 network are expected to be implemented after 2030.

In addition, Amber Grid is considering creating the possibility for H2 producers to supply (under certain conditions) H2 into the existing natural gas system. According to current natural gas quality requirements, the mixed hydrogen could constitute up to 0.1% by volume of the gas transported through the pipelines, and with certain investments in infrastructure, the concentration of hydrogen could be increased to 2% of the transported gas volume.

Survey Objective: To assess the need for hydrogen supply/blending into the existing natural gas transmission system.

It is important to identify potential production locations for green H2 intended for blending into the existing natural gas transmission system, the size of capacities, and the periods when the need for H2 transportation is expected to arise.

For this purpose, we are initiating a survey of interested parties and invite all those who plan to produce H2 and supply it into the existing natural gas transmission system to participate.

Please fill in the survey here. Your responses are expected till 3rd July, 2024.

More information about hydrogen and Amber Grid plans can be found on our website.

If you have additional information, questions, or comments related to the questionnaire, please contact the Energy Transformation Center of Amber Grid (email: etc@ambergrid.lt), or - the Renewable Energy Technology Manager Andrius Šostakas, email: a.sostakas@ambergrid.lt.

By completing this survey, you agree that the information you provide will be used by Amber Grid for planning the adaptation of the existing natural gas transmission infrastructure for hydrogen transportation and for coordinating such plans with state institutions.

Your contribution is important in shaping the vision of H2 transmission infrastructure in Lithuania!

Self service