
Initiatives in hydrogen


Amber Grid participates in the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance, which aims to contribute to the objectives of the EU's Hydrogen Strategy to create a complete and affordable renewable hydrogen value chain.

European Clean Hydrogen Alliance (europa.eu)


Amber Grid is a member of the Lithuanian Hydrogen Platform, established under the Ministry of Energy. The Platform aims to contribute to the objectives of the EU Hydrogen Strategy to create a complete and affordable renewable hydrogen value chain. It also promotes the use of hydrogen as a clean fuel, energy source and carrier in the transport, industrial, energy and other sectors of the economy, as well as the involvement of Lithuanian companies and organisations in the hydrogen value chain, developing and manufacturing products and services for the needs of Lithuania and other countries.

Hydrogen Platform | Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania (lrv.lt)


Amber Grid is a member of the Lithuanian Hydrogen Energy Association. The association, which brings together the country's scientists and business organisations, participates in the formulation of national, regional and EU policies and objectives, including the preparation of a strategy and action plan for the development of hydrogen in the Lithuanian hydrogen energy sector, contributes to the proposal of legislative initiatives that would stimulate the development of hydrogen technologies in the country, ensures cross-sectoral integration of hydrogen and the deployment of related technologies, promotes joint research, experimental development and innovation activities, etc.



Amber Grid is a member of the European Hydrogen Backbone. The initiative is developing a vision for Europe's hydrogen transport infrastructure.

The European Hydrogen Backbone (EHB) initiative | EHB European Hydrogen Backbone

If you have additional questions related to hydrogen, please contact us by email: hydrogen@ambergrid.lt

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