

UMM messages will be published on ENTSOG UMM platform

Gas Transmission System Operators of the Finnish-Baltic region will commence the joint publication of Urgent Market Messages (UMMs) on the ENTSOG UMM platform. UMMs will be simultaneously published on both the ENTSOG UMM platform and the GET Baltic UMM platform until December 27th.

Historically, the TSOs of Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania published UMMs on the GET Baltic UMM platform, with Conexus Baltic Grid AS also publishing UMMs on the ENTSOG UMM platform. However, with the impending closure of the GET Baltic UMM platform on December 27th, the TSOs of Finland, Estonia, and Lithuania will start publishing UMMs on the ENTSOG UMM platform. During the transitional period until the closure of the GET Baltic UMM platform, UMMs will be published on both platforms simultaneously.

The TSOs will provide separate notifications once the GET Baltic UMM platform is closed, and UMMs are solely published on the ENTSOG UMM platform. It's important to note that the TSOs will continue to publish technical capacities and other transparency information on the ENTSOG Transparency Platform, ensuring that both UMMs and capacities are available in the same location.

Link to ENTSOG UMM Platform: https://transparency.entsog.eu/#/umm/unavailabilitiesgasfacilities

Link to ENTSOG Transparency Platform: https://transparency.entsog.eu/#/map

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