

Technical capacity of Kiemenai interconnection point after ELLI project implementation

Technical capacity of Kiemenai interconnection point after ELLI project implementation

The results of the hydraulic modelling calculations and transmission system operation tests jointly performed by the transmission system operators Amber Grid and Conexus Baltic Grid (hereinafter - system operators) indicate that the technical capacity of Kiemenai interconnection point after implementation of the ELLI project, that is planned from 1 January 2024 onwards, shall be set:

  1. 90GWh/d in the direction from Lithuania to Latvia with a possible dynamic increase up to around 100GWh/d.
  2. 82GWh/d in the direction from Latvia to Lithuania with a possible dynamic increase up to around 100GWh/d.

System operators may, by assessing the need to apply congestion management measures, provide technical capacity of up to 130 GWh/d from Lithuania to Latvia and up to 119 GWh/d from Latvia to Lithuania for a limited period under specific transmission system operational conditions, e.g., when the inflows to Lithuania are both from LNG terminal and Poland at close to the full capacity and both compressor stations (the Panevėžys compressor station and the Jauniūnai compressor station) are operated simultaneously.

The information on the amount of technical capacity is subject to change depending on the progress of the ELLI project implementation or other objectively justified relevant factors.

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