

Stakeholder survey for hydrogen development

Stakeholder survey for hydrogen development

Amber Grid, the Lithuanian gas transmission system operator, plans to develop a hydrogen transportation network in Lithuania. The network will include pipelines connecting Lithuanian hydrogen producers and consumers, as well as interconnections with other countries. The development of H2 infrastructure in Lithuania is considered crucial for decarbonizing the economy and achieving energy independence.

Our target is to plan the future needs of the national H2 transmission infrastructure network.

To achieve this, it is necessary to identify potential locations for H2 production and consumption, determine the demand for capacity, and estimate the timeframes in which the need for H2 transportation is expected to arise.

At the current time, we are beginning to prepare a 10-year hydrogen transport network development plan, which will be developed in parallel with the 10-year gas transmission system operator's network development plan. During the preparation of the plan, we will be coordinating with Litgrid, the electricity transmission system operator, who will be preparing a 10-year electricity network development plan. 

To achieve this, we are launching a stakeholder survey and inviting all those interested in the development of the H2 transport network in Lithuania, as well as those with plans for the development of the H2 economy, to participate.

We kindly request that you provide your answers by 6th March!

The 10-year Gas Transmission and Hydrogen Network Development Plan will then be submitted for public consultation (scheduled for the end of May - first half of June 2024) and, after adjustments based on the information and comments received during the consultation, will be submitted to the National Energy Control Council for evaluation and approval by 1 July.

For more information on hydrogen and Amber Grid's plans, visit the Hydrogen | Green Gas section of our website.

If you have any questions, comments, or additional information regarding the questionnaire, please contact Amber Grid Energy Transformation Center at etc@ambergrid.lt or send an email to the Head of Energy Transformation Development, Juste Vaige, at j.vaige@ambergrid.lt .

By submitting this form, you agree that the information you provide may be used by Amber Grid for the planning of the H2 transport infrastructure network and its regulatory approval by the National Energy Regulatory Council.

Your contribution is highly valued and will play an important role in shaping the H2 vision for the transmission infrastructure in Lithuania!

Complete the survey

Self service