

Public consultation on the gas transmission network development plan 2024-2033 announced

Public consultation on the gas transmission network development plan 2024-2033 announced

Amber Grid, the Lithuanian gas transmission system operator, organises a public consultation on its ten-year gas transmission network development plan.

“The plan sets out clear steps to strengthen Lithuania’s energy independence, expand the diversity of energy sources, and ensure further integration between Lithuania and other countries of the region. Lithuania, like other European countries, is not only ensuring the reliability of the existing infrastructure but is also preparing for the creation of a hydrogen transport network to deliver green hydrogen to Lithuanian consumers and to meet the needs of the European Union,” says Nemunas Biknius, CEO at Amber Grid.

Some key aspects of Amber Grid’s ten-year network development plan:

  • Upgrading the existing gas infrastructure and increasing resilience to crisis situations,
  • Developing alternative energy sources, integrating renewable energy,
  • Developing a hydrogen transport network, synergies between the gas and electricity sectors,
  • Reducing greenhouse gases (GHG).

One of the company’s commitments mentioned in the plan is to modernise the national gas transmission infrastructure, taking into account Lithuania’s energy independence objectives, European energy and decarbonisation provisions, and the needs of green energy project promoters and market participants. Considerable attention is paid to the integration and diversification of renewable energy sources (RES), such as biomethane and green hydrogen. 

“Strengthening our existing gas infrastructure is essential to maintain high security of our gas supply and to adapt to the changing energy market. We are investing in the reconstruction of gas pipelines and facilities to meet future energy needs efficiently. In addition, we are focusing on green energy projects and are submitting for public consultation a plan for a hydrogen network in Lithuania, on which we are working with international partners from Finland to Germany, as well as with promoters of green hydrogen projects in Lithuania. In the future, hydrogen will be one of the pillars that will ensure Lithuania's energy independence and state income,” says Nemunas Biknius.

The needs of potential customers have been taken into account in the development of the hydrogen network plan integrated in the ten-year network development plan. Possible network solutions were coordinated with the electricity transmission system operator Litgrid and its network development plans.

The amount of planned investments is about EUR214 million. In the next five years about EUR150 million euros are expected to be invested to projects related to the adaptation of the transmission system for the transportation of a hydrogen and gas blending and the modernization of the existing transmission system infrastructure.

Please send your comments and suggestions on Amber Grid’s ten-year development plan by email to consultation@ambergrid.lt up to and including 14 June 2024. In the subject line, please indicate that this is a response to the public consultation on Amber Grid’s ten-year development plan. If your response contains confidential aspects, please indicate which information should not be made public when summarising the results of the consultation.

Ten-year gas transmission network development plan is published here.

Following Amber Grid’s public consultation phase and an assessment of the suggestions and comments received, the plan will be submitted to the National Energy Regulatory Council (NERC) for approval. This process ensures transparency and stakeholder participation in shaping the green future of Lithuania’s energy infrastructure.

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