

Paulius Butkus, Head of Development and Innovation at EPSO-G, is nominated to the Board of Amber...

Paulius Butkus, Head of Development and Innovation at EPSO-G, is nominated to the Board of Amber Grid

Paulius Butkus, Head of Development and Innovation at EPSO-G, has been nominated to the Board of gas transmission system operator Amber Grid. The nomination of this member of Board resposible for the Innovation and Green Transformation Competence Area was nominated by the parent company and will be put to the vote at Amber Grid's General Meeting of Shareholders on 11 April.

With nearly 10 years of experience in the energy sector, Paulius Butkus has joined EPSO-G in 2023. He is responsible for coordinating the preparation of the energy transformation study, the development of the Group’s innovation, data analytics and management, and other development activities.

For the past four years, P. Butkus has been working as the RDI Strategy & Stakeholder Engagement Manager at ENTSO-E, the European Network of Transmission System Operators in Brussels. P. Butkus holds a Bachelor’s degree in Nuclear Physics from Vilnius University and a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering and a Doctorate in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Vilnius Gediminas Technical University.

The Board of Amber Grid, which began its four-year term in 2020, currently consists of two independent members Ignas Degutis and Sigitas Žutautas, Head of the Energy Competitiveness Group at the Ministry of Energy Karolis Švaikauskas and Dalius Svetulevičius, Technical Manager, nominated by EPSO-G, serves as a Chairman of the Board.

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