

Paulius Butkus Elected as a Chairman of the Board of Amber Grid

Paulius Butkus Elected as a Chairman of the Board of Amber Grid

The Board of Amber Grid elected Paulius Butkus, Member of the Board of Amber Grid and Head of Group Development and Innovation at EPSO-G, as Chairman of the Board at its meeting on 10 May 2024. At the EPSO-G group of companies, P. Butkus is responsible for strategy, innovation development, data analytics and management, and development of other activities.

“The energy sector is on a transformation path: the National Energy Independence Strategy is due to be adopted this year, as well as the corporate strategy of the EPSO-G group of companies until 2035 and the guidelines until 2050. Amber Grid has a key role to play in implementing Lithuania’s energy vision, both in ensuring the reliability and security of the transmission network, in further integrating biomethane into the network, and in developing the green hydrogen corridor with Nordic and Baltic partners. The company has already laid the foundations for the development of green energy, so it is crucial to keep up the momentum and to explore new opportunities together to strengthen the energy security of the country and the region,” says P. Butkus, the newly elected Chairman of the Board of Amber Grid.  

With nearly ten years of experience in the energy sector, P. Butkus spent four years as Head of the Strategy and Stakeholder Management Team at ENTSO-E, the Brussels-based European Network of Transmission System Operators, prior to joining the EPSO-G group. At the Network, he was responsible for cooperation with international institutions, contributing to the European Commission’s innovation funding programmes, and initiating international projects.

Previously, P. Butkus worked at Litgrid and ESO, where he led electricity market development and innovation projects and was responsible for the initiation of a national data centre in Lithuania. P. Butkus holds a Bachelor’s degree in Physics of Nuclear Energy from Vilnius University, a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering and a PhD in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Vilnius Gediminas Technical University.

P. Butkus is also the Chairman of the Board of the EPSO-G group company Energy cell, the operator of the electricity storage system.

The Board of Amber Grid currently consists of five members. In addition to the elected Chairman of the Board, P. Butkus, the Board also includes Darius Kašauskas, Chief Financial Officer at EPSO-G, Karolis Švaikauskas, Head of the Energy Competitiveness Policy Group of the Ministry of Energy, and two independent Board members, Peter Loof Helth and Alexander Feindt.

Amber Grid is owned by the EPSO-G group of energy exchange and transmission companies, which holds 96.6% of the company’s shares.

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