

Amber Grid provides 55 vehicles to Ukrainian emergency services

The Board of the Lithuanian gas transmission system operator Amber Grid has approved the company's proposal to transfer 55 vehicles and 4 generators to Ukraine. The humanitarian aid package will be voted on at the General Meeting of Shareholders, which will be held on October 18. The total value of the aid provided is almost EUR 62,000.

The vehicles used in the operation of the gas transmission system are in good condition, 5-11 years old and have a low residual value. As Amber Grid has entered into a new lease contract for vehicle operations, the company has decided to hand over the cars it no longer needs to war-torn Ukraine.

"Our company is stepping up to support Ukraine in their time of need by sending valuable tool - 55 vehicles. The transport will serve for repair work and operational activities. Cars and SUVs with a higher mileage will give the services the mobility they need to react faster to changing situations. The provision of such tangible support can boost as a moral incentive for others to actively support Ukraine helping to continue fighting for the freedom and independence," said Nemunas Biknius, CEO of Amber Grid.  

The first vehicles will be handed over to the resident services, while the others will be used to assist in the reconstruction of Ukraine's war-affected energy facilities, disaster risk reduction, including preparedness and recovery from energy disasters.

Ukraine has been resisting since 24 February 2022. Russia has waged a full-scale war that has continuously damaged the energy infrastructure, and Ukraine does not have the resources to rebuild it. In June this year, Amber Grid provided Ukraine with a humanitarian aid package consisting of five generators and ten pipeline reinforcement couplings. The total value of the humanitarian aid provided at that time is almost EUR 108,000. In 2022, Amber Grid sent equipment to its Ukrainian counterparts to help rebuild the damaged pipelines for EUR 18,000.

Self service