

Public consultation regarding amendment to the Rules for use of the transmission system

AB Amber Grid, in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Rules on public consultation approved by the National Energy Regulatory Council (resolution No. O3-350, dated 28th of October 2011) is announcing a public consultation on the draft of the amendment of the AB Amber Grid Rules for Access to the Natural Gas Transmission System (hereinafter - the Draft Rules).

Amendments to the Draft Rules are needed to establish the procedure for compensation for firm capacity restrictions, due diligence of the potential network user is foreseen when evaluating the request to conclude a transmission service agreement, other changes have been also made.

AB Amber Grid requests to get acquainted with the Draft Rules and to submit comments and suggestions by 10 October, 2024. Please submit comments and suggestions by e-mail consultation@ambergrid.lt.

At the end of the period of public consultation conducted by the company, the company will evaluate the comments and suggestions received during the consultation and submit the final version of the Rules to the National Energy Regulatory Council.

The Draft Rules with marked corrections are available here.

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