

Amber Grid submitted a claim to the bank for payment of GIPL's guarantee and initiated the inclusion of Alvora in the list of unreliable suppliers

As the contractor of the GIPL project didn’t eliminate the certification deficiencies of some of the gas pipeline details and in regards of defending Company’s and consumers interests Amber Grid submitted a demand to the bank to pay GIPL guarantee funds. This is the first step in order to secure the replacement of those pipeline parts that do not have the necessary certificates at the expense of the contractor. A claim for the amount of 5.8 million was submitted.

Amber Grid has also initiated the blacklisting of GIPL contractor Alvora. The company applied to the Public Procurement Service for this action today.

As a follow-up, Amber Grid is preparing a component replacement plan and is preparing for an international public procurement, during which a new contractor will be selected to carry out the replacement of specific parts.

The GIPL gas pipeline connecting Lithuania and Poland operates and serves the needs of both countries. From the start of operation of the GIPL in May 2022 to March 2024, it has trasported nearly 16 TWh of gas in both directions. This is 6% more compared to gas consumed for Lithuania's needs in 2023.

The safety of the GIPL gas pipeline was confirmed by the tests of the entire gas pipeline during construction and operation, internal diagnostics and additional expertise. The performed measurements of the chemical composition of the gas pipeline parts, steel quality and hardness measurements, X-ray of welds, wall thickness measurements of pipeline parts meet the technical requirements of the project and even exceed them. The performed tests confirm that the gas pipeline is safe to operate.

Amber Grid has and will continue to carry out necessary and thorough inspections of the GIPL pipeline to ensure that the facility is safe.

After identifying deficiencies in the certification of parts of the gas pipeline, Amber Grid applied to the prosecutor's office in June 2023, which is conducting a pre-trial investigation. In January 2024, Amber Grid filed a claim against the contractor to correct the deficiencies.

GIPL is a project of strategic importance for both Lithuania and Europe, which allowed to secure energy independence. Amber Grid completed the project on time and under budget. The gas pipeline allows Lithuania and other European countries to obtain natural gas from an alternative source and further strengthen their energy independence.

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