
Planning of hydrogen transport infrastructure start

Amber Grid, the Lithuanian gas transmission system operator, invites you to participate in a public consultation on its 10-year gas transmission network development plan, which includes the development of a hydrogen transport network, synergies between the gas and electricity sectors, and the integration of renewable energy sources and their diversity, such as biomethane and green hydrogen.

"The plan sets out clear steps to strengthen Lithuania's energy independence, expand the diversity of energy sources and ensure Lithuania's further integration with regional countries. Lithuania, like other European countries, is not only ensuring the reliability of its existing infrastructure, but is also preparing to build a green hydrogen transport network to meet the needs of Lithuanian consumers and other EU countries," said Nemunas Biknius, CEO of Amber Grid.

The needs of potential customers have been taken into account in the development of the hydrogen network, which is integrated into the Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP). Possible network solutions have been coordinated with the electricity transmission system operator Litgrid and its network development plans.

We invite you to send your comments and suggestions on the Amber Grid 10-year development plan to consultation@ambergrid.lt by 14 June 2024. Please state in the subject line that you are responding to the public consultation on Amber Grid's 10-year development plan. If your response contains confidential information, please indicate which information should not be made public when the results of the consultation are summarised.

The Ten-Year Network Development Plan is available here.

For preliminary national H2 transmission network, which will be refined during the planning process, click here.

Following Amber Grid's public consultation phase, the plan will be submitted to the National Energy Regulatory Council (NERC) for approval after an assessment of the proposals and comments received. This process ensures transparency and stakeholder participation in shaping the green future of Lithuania's energy infrastructure.

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